Owen: 🤤🤤🤤

codyyy: You said it, dude 😋🤩

Heather_RQ: You're going to get sick!

codyyy: Don't worry, Heath! 💜

Heather_RQ: I'm keeping an eye on you, baby 💜

codyyy: Me too! 💜

tyler: Lindsay 😔😭

codyyy: What happened?

* * *


dawnn: I love you ❤

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dawnn: I love you ❤

scottB: Love you too, sunshine ❤

Court_CIT: You're actually sweet! What a surprise! 😱

scottB: You're actually funny! What a surprise! 😱

Alejandro_B: See? ;)

scottB: You're the best, Casanova! ;)

* * *



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Jo1: God... help me, please.

Lightning: I love ya, too! 😉😎

Jo1: Come on, I'm a girl!

Lightning: You can be a girl then, babe. I don't judge you, I'll still love you 😉

Jo1: 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


cameronb: Jo is a beautiful girl!

Lightning: Are you insulting my guy?!

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