Part 2: 2016 - Past and Future Flashback

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Things were complicated. In ways Natasha couldn’t even fathom. Only two years before, she had been trying to tell herself that there was no way she was in love with Captain America himself. It wasn’t like she hadn’t been in love before. She had. Back when she was still working for the Red Room and KGB. 

They had sent her to spy on a politician. He was older, in his mid 60s, and she was supposed to marry his 27 year old son. She was eighteen at the time. It was one of her longest missions. The son was innocent, and the father was corrupt. He owned a world renowned ballet studio outside of Moscow, a front for his corrupt operations. She was young, and she stupidly fell in love with her husband. But of course, the Red Room had found out. They had tried to run, but they were caught. Alexei was killed, and she was taken back to the Red Room, punished, and reinforced. 

So how on Earth was she lying here on her back in a hotel room playing with her wedding ring on a silver chain around her neck, as the ultrasound to her right confirmed her worst and best nightmare.

Dr. Fine was her most trusted doctor. He had saved Fury, Steve, and her on numerous occasions. So when she had started feeling dizzy, nauseous, and more tired than what was normal for her of all people, she had called him. He had flown from D.C. to see her and were meeting in his hotel room, away from prying eyes.

“I’d say you’re about ten weeks along.”

“Ten?!” She asked, surprised. She sat up and pulled her shirt down over her exposed belly with a huff. 

“You alright?”

“Terrific.” The words, although chipper on paper, came out bitingly cold.

“You have to contact him, Natasha.”

“Easier said than done when your husband is a fugitive,” She bit out. 

“You and the baby both seem healthy. I’m going to take your blood sample back to my lab and analyze it. Would you like the test results in the mail, or would you prefer I tell you when I see you again in a couple of weeks.”

“No. Mail’s too risky. If someone were to intercept it…”

“No problem. I understand.”

“What if I don’t want it?” She asked.

“What? You’re not telling me that…”

“No.” She said quickly. “It’s just...Now’s not a good time.”

“It’s never a good time.”

“But especially now. Ross is on my tail. Steve is who knows where with Sam and Wanda. Tony’s mad at me...If anyone finds out about this, I’ll be in danger, Steve will be in danger, and it will be in danger. I have no way to contact him and tell him. And even if I did, what’s he gonna do about it? Run back to the states where they’ll shoot him up with super serum tranquilizers and ship him off to the Raft?”

“It’s not going to be easy. But in the meantime, stay low. You don’t want any trouble in your condition. I can’t tell you to stay away from missions because I know you won’t listen, but just be mindful of danger. Take your pills, and get plenty of rest. I know I said that the baby’s healthy, but your pregnancy is still at risk. Your body doesn’t know how to support this new life, so I’m going to need to check up on you regularly.”

She nodded her understanding, took the pills, and left. It was sunny and bright in New York that October day, though a bit chilly. She stopped at a quiet cafe she came across, and ordered a herbal tea, remembering at the last moment that she couldn’t have coffee. Sitting down with her herbal tea and a scone, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts. She wanted to tell someone so badly. Her thumb hovered over Clint’s contact for awhile before she thought better of it and dialed Pepper’s number instead.

Almost a year ago, she had married Steve. A small ceremony that Nick had been kind enough to officiate. Only a few had been there to witness it. Sam, Clint and Laura, and Wanda. They had been engaged only a month and had decided the smaller and less known about the better. Nick kept it off the books just like he had done with Clint, ensuring that anyone from her past wouldn’t target Steve, and basically any bad guy with a brain wouldn’t try to use her to get to him. Steve felt bad about not telling the rest of the team, but since Clint had done it previously, they didn’t feel too bad about it. 

“This is Pepper.” 

“Hi Pepper. It’s Natasha.”

“Oh….Hey Natasha. What’s going on?”

“I just wanted to tell you something.”

“Oh?” Natasha was silent, thinking about what she was going to say. “What is it?”

Being Tony’s girlfriend, Pepper probably wasn’t the best person to call, but Natasha knew that Pepper wouldn’t betray her. Especially not with this. She had decidedly stayed out of the whole situation with the Sokovia Accords six months ago. That is until she heard about Tony’s parents. 

It was the reminding thought about Tony’s parents that caused Nat to say, “Nevermind,” and quickly hang up. She put her phone back in her pocket. It was better if she didn’t tell anyone. Not yet at least. She mostly trusted Pepper. But she realized with something as sensitive as this, mostly wasn’t enough. She couldn’t even entirely trust Nick. In fact, there were only four people in her life that she had ever fully trusted. Ever. Her birth mother, Alexei, Clint, and Steve. And only two of them were alive.

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