It's Six

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The sun peaks over the horizon and fills a room with an early morning glow. Books, quills and parchment are strewn across the floor. A sleeping figure shifts in the bed. Her hand now hangs off the edge of the bed, while her mouth hangs open in a deep sleep. A light knock on the door causes her to shift once more.

"Gwen?" Asks a voice. Gwen grunts in response. "Gwen, you need to get up." "I am up" "No you're not" "Fine"

Gwen sits up, but does not open her eyes. "What time is it?" She asks rubbing her eyes now.

"It's six." She groans and lays back down. "Why am I up so early?" "You need to get ready so we can go to Kings Cross."

This wakes Gwen up. With one swift movement she gets off the bed and starts to grab the books from the floor. "Okay thank you, you can go now." She says to her father. He chuckles and then exits from her bedroom. On the walls of her room Gwen has pictures of her friends from school and the figures inside them moved just like real people. Pulling on jeans and socks Gwen was filled to the brim with excitement. She was going back to school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she was in her seventh and final year. Six years earlier she had received a letter informing her that she was accepted into Hogwarts, which was quite a shock seeing as before the age of eleven, Gwen had no clue that she was a witch. Her parents were both muggles, which is watch non-magic people were called. The night she arrived at Hogwarts she was sorted into Ravenclaw house.

"Breakfast is ready!" She hears her dad call from across the house. It was just the two of them these days. Her mom left when she was a couple of years old so she didn't remember her. Her dad had never remarried, it was hard because he wanted to talk about how proud he was that his daughter was a witch, but unless he wanted to get in trouble with the Ministry of Magic he couldn't. Gwen comes down the stairs and makes for the kitchen. Her dad has made her favorite, chocolate chip pancakes. 

"Thanks dad." Sitting down across from him she begins to eat. "My trunk is packed so as soon as we're done eating we can head out." She explains. Punctuality was very important to Gwen, so leaving early from Bath was key to keeping her anxiety under control. It was a two and a half hour drive, and they would have about 45 minutes to kill once they get to London. The two of them eat together. 

"So, you excited about this year?" Her dad asks, wiping some chocolate off the corner of his mouth. 

"Yeah, I am. I'm not looking forward to all the studying but I miss my friends." She says earnestly. 

"I'm really proud of you." Putting his hand on Gwens shoulder he pats her back, and gives her a small smile. 

"Thanks." She smiles back. "I'll grab my trunk." Quickly standing up, she hops up the stairs and into her room. Before she gets her things she takes one last look around her bedroom, and glances in her mirror. She had deep brown eyes and hair to match. Turning on her heel she flicks her wand, the trunk begins to float and follows her down the stairs. "Let's go!" She says excitedly. 


Finding parking in London is hard, so Gwen and her dad opt for a park and ride into the city. Once in the heart of London, before making their way to Kings Cross, the pair head to their favorite cafe for a quick coffee. Harris + Hoole is a small cafe on New Cavendish St. Theres a long table in the middle of the first floor with stools around it for people to do work and socialize. And downstairs there are cozy chairs and tables. Gwen and her dad order a couple of coffees. 

"Thank you." Gwen smiles at the barista behind the counter and blushes. The barista winks at her while her dad is looking out the window. "Ready?" 

"As I'll ever be." Her dad replies. They take off towards Great Portland Street station to take the train straight to Kings Cross. 


The train station is filled with muggles, luggage, and noise. "This way dad." Gwen directs her father. The approach the area between platforms 9 and 10, check to see if anyone is watching then lean into the wall and find themselves standing on platform 9 3/4, in front of the red steam engine that carries students to Hogwarts. The platform is buzzing with excitement as students of all ages make their way to the train, there is also a sense of apprehension in the air from parents who aren't ready to say goodbye to their kids yet. 

Witches and wizards disguised in muggle clothes is something Gwen has always enjoyed seeing as they never quite got it right. From across the way Gwen spots a head of wavy blonde hair hugging what appear to be her parents. After the blonde says goodbye, she turns and sees Gwen. The two make eye contact, and Gwen sets off to go hug her friend. 

"Georgia!" Gwen says loudly as they embrace. "How are you?" 

"I'm good! Annoyed at how early I had to wake up but whatever. " She shrugs. "How are you doing?" 

"About the same. Okay let me say bye to my dad and then we can get a spot on the train." She turns and walks back to her dad. "Bye, dad. I'll write you soon." They hug. 

"Bye love, I'll miss you. Have a good term." He pulls away and heads back through the wall. 

Gwen grabs her trunk and meets Georgia as she climbs onto the train. The two friends find the first empty compartment and put their things above the seats, then plop down into their seats. 

AN: Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading this chapter! 

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