Tales of the Reincarnated lord volume 2 fanfic 591

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At-authors note

Just want to say loved the story followed the thread about writing an ending and here's my take which I swear to god was a finished story I could see it all like I read it somewhere please forgive my foolish attempt at this. Thank you

"Winter will settle in soon"sighed Lorist, the proposal for the Malik defense line was in front of he's desk. This was a huge project borrowing from all branches of the house.

The first proposal had the council up in arms until Lorist himself dismissed their objections. It involved Garcia and the 10000 plus rebels in Wild-husbandry. It had been a long time now since they settled there. Just because they were out of sight they weren't out of mind for Lorist, he just couldn't wipe them out because they could pose a danger in the future.

He's cousin Garcia was in charge of the development and security of a portion of wild husbandry to keep as her fief. She he had outdone her self she already had a town operating in the area. Since the rebel's were banished here they they were downtrodden at first but Garcia turned it around. The forces were shaping up nicely she was doing well but was not completely self sufficient and she kept asking for more supplies and men. Lorist had enough of Garcia who was hell bent on building her legion with supplies from house norton she must be daydreaming.  Not only was she training the men she was also recruiting from the labourers and serfs. Some ex norton forces joined in instructor capacity, which also attracted a few northerners who couldn't join the northern legions because of their shortcomings, so they could join Garcia's Loyal legion. Even the name gave him a headache.

Garcia was thriving in wildhusbandry with her family stipends provided by Lorist for her and Koboshik, she had quickly laid her foundations in wild husbandry. She nearly had 35000  people under her command and it was growing. Lorist wouldn't have bothered with her till the spies reported a messenger from emporor AUGUSLO came to see Garcia on the way back to the capital after visiting Duke Faslaben. This was enough to unsettle the north if they had to direct forces for putting down a rebellion, the Malik defense line project would come to a standstill while forces were redeployed to passify the rebel's. For every delay of the project the cost would just pile up, so the sooner the project was completed the more money House Norton could save. 3 legions were providing security that alone was nearly a fifth of the budget of the whole Norton domain. Lorist wasn't really worried but due to his subordinates worrying he decided to kill two birds with one stone.

The first step was to send her forces to help Whitelion legion, his son Koboshik would have a chance to hopefully grow on the battlefield. If he couldn't even handle bandits he had no reason being a knight. Hansk and Irinas followers would more than likely split from Garcia and join Koboshik if the conditions were right and enough benifits provided. If Koboshik did well and reached 1 star silver rank he would be given a barony. This may be enough to put a dampener on Garcia's plans, harmless they may seem but Lorist wouldn't allow any body to mess with the internal problems of his house.

Not only does it solve the issue of Garcia's forces it gave them and avenue to earn their keep, which they were in no position to deny,  as they'll be participating in real military exercises instead of just drills on the training field.
Garcia was still hung up over the king so she had no outlet except through the military. Why not give her a chance to prove herself and a chance to take the next step. White lion legion was bogged down and with winter closing in, operations would halt. The Nortons never feared the winter it was even there friend. If Jaeger, Garcia, duke Felim and White lion legion could coordinate they had a good chance of catching the bandits by surprise. Trying to clear anything up to a third of the bandits to acquire the necessary manpower for the north was not impossible Transportation during the winter was no trouble in the norton domains, it was cold for most of the year and snow just made it colder which never bothered the northerners.

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