The melody of misses on a cold winter night

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The sound of  the piano melody filled the quiet night
Strumming at the shattered heart
Lonely tears under the cold night
The coldest winter that year

Could not find you again, couldn't even catch your presence
I'm back here, only lonely hills await
This familiar place seems strange now ...where were those laughters
The seemingly pain was just hard to get over

Coming back here ....with a heavy heart
Tracing back our tracks, laden with endless memories
Only the nature that stood by every season understood

Closing my eyes, feeling the cold wind and snowflakes around
Just letting go, falling down the slope, taking each stride to nurse the broken heart
Beating the feelings out, trying to find you, instead warm tears came falling
Can't get over this misses that is haunting
That winter night has been especially unfriendly
Still here every winter, but you left leaving me alone

The melody opens up a window to the past
I see your smile and your enthusiastic laughter
Catching your happiness through this window precious those moments
Wished I could hold that for you, that you stayed forever that way
You were brilliant in so many ways
Yet's so hard to hold on
Wished I could be there that moment and that the melody I made could you bring you back

They said time will help, the remedy for a shattered heart
Yet at moments like this, time just didn't seem to work

Reaching out, I held the snowflakes like how we used to
Your presence seems further every winter...yet i am not ready to let go
How did it ever end this way, when there were so much yet to be shared
You said in your silent messages, did I not hear it, did I not....
Wished I could just reach my hand out still
Wished the still night would bring you back and my melody would lead you back to my heart
Back to where we said we will meet every winter
Such cold night, piercing further into the depth my heart
How many more winters till I see you again

In Another Time, I hope you are well truly Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang