chapter 57- part 1

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Fluff, fluff, nothing but fluff.

Fluff. That word sprang on Harry's mind as he gazed at the whiteness covering even the tallest of buildings. February was a common month for snow and climate change hasn't meddled with that fact, yet. He loves snow and said so to Zayn who looked at him like he just confessed to liking cocaine. Thinking of Zayn, he shifted his gaze to him asleep on the hotel's couch. He was on his side cuddling a fluffy white teddy. There's that word again. Fluff. Harry won that teddy for him at a funfair they visited with their bunch, Zayn takes it with him when they're away from home. He smiled at the memory his gaze returned to its original position admiring mother nature through the wall to ceiling windows of their twenty fifth floor hotel room. Twenty five is their favourite number after all.

"Its New York baby always jacked up" those words escaped out of his mouth into a tune that has been on his mind ever since new York. It had been on Zayn's birthday when they visited the big Apple, he was so fascinated by its brighter than day lights, the yellow taxis, the life. The buzzing atmosphere. It felt like London but magnified and it's where Zayn bought him a guitar once owned by Peter Gabriel himself, his mom's favourite singer. Now, he's no songwriter himself but it was when he was teaching himself how to play that he found himself strumming to tunes that kept popping on his head. And they were not just tunes that were out there,  that had been released. No, they are his harmony, his words, words he can't get out of his head he had to write it down on his journal, a continuation to his book of firsts. These words he was singing, yes singing, he actually said to Zayn when they were in a yellow taxi stuck in traffic and Zayn had been having a major bout of jetlag and in need of a lie down. He'd sang him XO by Beyonce as a lullaby. Just before dozing off, Zayn had said, you have a good voice, Haz. But then Zayn would say that isn't it? The tunes have been like a sledgehammer, constantly drilling in his brain he had to write them down for his own sanity, and fifty so far have made their way to his journal. Who knows what cards the universe will deal for him next, he's beaten cancer. Why not change his career path? How slim can his odds be compared to none, one percent?

"Its getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it.." he sang the words he's looked at so many a times in his journal, taking in the view infront of him. They were not in New York but in London town, with a clear view of The London bridge from their presidential suite. They've not long arrived and Zayn was asleep. It's been a busy week for the Styles's family. What with Yazz's sweet sixteenth, their anniversary and of course Harry's all in one day. Those three happening at once have never been problems but since Yazz is hitting the major milestones its getting tricky. They made sure Yazz was the Yasmeen of the ball, hiring a party planner and declared February the first her day. He  got her driving lessons as one her gifts. And now they're in London celebrating their anniversary belatedly, its still February, so..

He sighed and stopped singing, he got hold of news Niall and Liam decided to throw themselves belated fortieth party spectacular the same weekend they're here. It's not like him and Zayn were throwing a party it's more like a dirty weekend away from home. He wanted this to be a Zayn and Harry week, not Zayn, Harry and co. Or Niall and the potatoes as Brooklyn has taken to calling them. He's not sure what's that about except Zayn and Brooklyn are not on good terms and co parenting is shit..

"Why you stop singing?" Zayn mumbled lazily.

"I didn't disturb you, did I?" Harry asked softly, sitting next to him rubbing his back.

"S'alright.." Zayn yawned, "how long was I asleep for?"

"Ten minutes.."

"ten minutes?" Zayn asked looking at his phone for time, "I felt like I've been sleeping longer.." he stretched his arms and legs, shaking his legs in the process.

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