Chapter 47

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Zayn was taken back to their wedding day as he danced to Bob Marley's Is this love with Harry. Credit where it's due, Harry's dancing has improved over the years and he unnecessarily dipped Zayn to prove a point, without breaking their little girl's necks also dancing between them. Zayn even got a smacker on the lips from Amelia he couldn't get away just in time, she just don't give up. His twin girls imitating her actions didn't help, he got wet sloppy kisses all over his face.

"Harreh.." Zayn laughed moving his head away from their little hands, "Make them stop."

"Whatever you want, baby."

"Woah, Haz.." Zayn said impressed when Harry brought him up to his feet again in one smooth sweep.

"Don't act like you haven't practised that before." Louis scoffed watching them, "Stop spinning around. Your kids imitating you are making my stomach churn seriously it's bowling balls are spinning inside me and I'm about to vomit for England."

"Did you hear something, baby?" Harry asked not letting him go..

"Nope.." Zayn replied as they pretended Louis wasn't there.

"Turn that horrible music off, I can smell the spliff from Marley's voice." Louis said.

"That's your feet, Louis" Harry pulled a face looking at Louis's not so clean feet, but switched off the music. Not that Louis told him too, he was going to do that anyways.

"You're stupid. I feel sorry for your kids. Milly, come rub my feet, babe." Louis said and Amelia ran to him the twins followed behind her of course.

"Amelia, don't!" Zayn moved his children away from Louis's stinky feet before they touched them. Being pregnant was playing havoc with Louis's brain, he was on the verge of being insane. "This is child labour."

"It's not child labour if I'm not paying them.." Louis reasoned.

"Louis, I wouldn't allow them if you were paying. Your feet are disgusting since you're decided to go green and walk barefoot. What's that to do with climate change?" Zayn asked sitting down his twin girls on his lap.

"It's nothing to do with that, but everything to do with the stupidity of having fake grass in his house," Harry said looking in disgust at Louis's dirty feet, "He really took going green to another level, didn't he?"

"No need to third person me, Harry. I'm right here.." Louis pointed at himself.

"Unfortunately." Harry said, "I would like it very much if you were not here, Louis, but a guy can only wish."

Louis scoffed, "I guess I have to wish harder you're still here.."

"This is my house, Louis. You buzz off." Harry plopped himself next to Zayn not happy.

"Relax, babe." Zayn kissed him twice then laughed when Harry crossed his eyes looking at him, "Stop doing that_"

"It makes you laugh, doesn't it?" Harry said kissing him again.

"Children are watching, guys." Louis said taking the TV remote and switched the TV on, he was missing his favourite past time hobby watching Sky sports update.

Harry groaned, "Amelia, don't touch Louis's feets.." he said seeing her focused on Louis's feet when he lifted them on the couch.

"It's feet, idiot" Louis said eyes on the telly.

"Oh they're feets alright, they look like they belong to some from some twilight movie and please move them from my couch.." Harry leaning over to push Louis's legs off the couch.

"Harry, leave me alone." Louis shouted and curled back on the couch even Zayn winced seeing dirt fly off the feets.."You can wash them if you have a problem with my natural look.." he chuckled wiggling his toes.

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