sanatana grabbed the smaller girls hand, twirling her around and the cheerios danced, delilah went over to involve rachel but got violently yanked back by santana. they continued to dance and mess around until the boys came.

"let's pair up for the immaculate affection," quinn said, everyone was partnered up with a boy, quinn with finn, santana with puck and delilah with mike chang, a boy from the football team. delilah liked mike because he didn't treat her special, like she was younger than him. she didn't like that. mike also treated her like a princess, literally. "now, remember. if the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry," quinn said as everyone started dancing.

"where's our balloon, m'lady" mike asked, noticing that they didn't have one. delilah smiled at the nickname, before explaining how she was scared of the balloon popping so quinn said she didn't have to have one. they danced, ballroom style, mike twirling the girl as she laughed, the pair not noticing the daggers santana was throwing, if looks could kill.

delilah's attention snaps over to santana immediately as she was screaming and struggling to push puckerman off her as he was being, a bit of a dick. "my prince, i'm sorry but i must save the queen," she joked to mike before going over to puck and santana.

one thing about delilah, was that she had a good arm, despite being very shy she stuck up for her friends. most people where taken back that the girl talked, let alone could shout, the shock making them stop.

"noah, stop it," she demanded, an authoritative tone taking back everyone around her and puck surprisingly letting go, she went to go back to mike before hearing a popping sound which made her jump over to santana.

"it's okay hun," she said, playing with the girls hair as she linked her pinky with hers. "finn!" quinn yelled as the dopey boy looked like a deer in the headlights. "it must of caught my zipper," she defended. "or his dick," delilah whispered to santana, making her playfully shove the blonde, surprised that that came from her. they were struck from their quiet banter and their eyes flickered to the angry brunette, rachel.

"you know what? this is a joke," she yelled, santana and delilah sharing a 'oh fuck' look on their faces. "did you know that most studies have demonstrated that celibacy doesn't work in high schools? our hormones are driving us too crazy to abstain," she continued.
"who pissed in her milk?" santana whispered, to delilah and mike, as they had both taken a few steps back, away from the screaming teenager. "she's like an angry mouse,"

"the second we start telling ourselves that there's no room for compromise, we act out. the only way to deal with teen sexuality is to be prepared. that's what contraception is for," rachel finished, walking towards the door.

"don't you dare mention the "C" word," quinn gasped, like she had swore.

"you want to know a dirty little secret that none of them want you to know? girls want sex just as much as guys do," rachel said, and stormed out of the door. "that was dramatic," delilah whispered.



delilah found herself at her weekly appointment in miss pilsbury's office, despite santana's protests that her 'best friend was fine' and 'not crazy' but the truth was that delilah wouldn't speak to anyone but quinn, brittany and of course, santana. she wouldn't answer or ask questions in class, she didn't like to talk. delilah didn't see a problem with that, she spoke to santana all the time when they were at her house. she spoke at cheerio practice after everyone had left. but this wasn't good enough for miss pilsbury, or her teachers.

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