Chapter 1: The First Girl

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(Y/N)'s  P.O.V.

   That's the only thing I saw.
' where am I '
I tried to stand up but fell fell down.
*Sccrrrrr Sccrrrr*
( A/n: my failed attempts to imitate the box's sounds sorry😅)

   I cover my ears with my hands to protect them from this strange loud and disturbing noise. The thing I was inside was moving fast and from the feeling it gave me in my stomach I was going up. Then some lights came and left. The same happened again and again which confirmed my accusations. I was going up and I was moving fast. I looked up and managed to distinguish a ceiling. I immediately realized I was going to crash.
'Shit' I thought and started looking around this box-kind-of-thing I found myself into  to find something that would prevent me from getting any severe injuries. By then the light had become red and allowed me to see the whole box-kind-of-thing I was in. I saw boxes with the letters WCKD written on them. Then I remembered.
"The ceiling!"
I looked up to see the ceiling being about 2 inches away and got ready to take the crash but to my surprise nothing happened. The box-kind-of-thing just stopped and suddenly the red colored light became green.
"What the-!"
I was cut mid-sentenced when light rushed inside.I put my hand in front of my eyes to help them adapt in the new lighting when someone jumped inside the box I was in.
"Day one Greenie!"
  I heard a boy's voice. I removed my hands to see the boy who was talking to me. He was tall, taller than me, he had blonde short hair, a fit body and weird eyebrows.he seemed a little panicked and he had  this "what is an alien creature doing here" kind of face.
"W-what!? haven't you seen a girl before?!"
   I said trying not to shutter. He kept staring and when he realized it he tried to look anywhere but my direction.
"Newt!" He called."NEWT!" He called louder.
    A few minutes later another boy appeared. He had dirty blond hair and he had two chocolate brown beautiful eyes.
  "What is it Gally, is something wrong with the Greenie. Is he hurt or something?"the blond Newt boy said with a heavy British accent.
"It's a she, the Greenie is a girl!" The in front of me said.
  "I'll call Alby!" The Prince boy said and left running.
     The boy with weird eyebrows then turned his face to me.
   "Okay Greenie, it's you and me now." He said getting out of the box and give him his hand so I could follow him up. I didn't take it, I didn't want to so I got out of myself. I regreted immediately. When I got out I saw a bunch of boys staring at me, inspecting me from head to toe and then the worse came. She's hot, wow it's a girl and random whistles were heard from almost every direction which scared me even more. I wanted to leave I wanted to go back home but...
           ' where is my home...'
A loud voice was heard." Get back to your work ,NOW!".
     Every boy obeyed even though one or two stayed a little longer than the others. When all of the boys left I saw a dark-skinned tall boy coming towards me. I backed off. I had no intention to hear any other offensive comments. The boy saw how frightened I was.
   "It's ok I won't hurt you, I promise."
I took another step back and he stopped his attempts to come closer.
   " I'm Alby. What's your name?"
Then it hit me. I didn't know my name, where I came from, how I looked like. Nothing. Nothing at all.
   " I-I don't know!" I answered.
"It's ok, no one here did at first. It will come at you after a while".
    I looked down.
"Where am I?". I asked.
" You are in the Glade."
"Glade?" I looked around to see this so-called Glade place. I saw a forest and some huts. Four giant walls made out of stone sprawled all around the Glade. There was only one way out, a small opening between two of the walls.

'What if this is my only way out... I have to run but it's quite far someone might catch up on me.' I thought to myself I kept staring at the opening.
    " I wouldn't go there if I were you."
Alby said.
     "Why not?" I asked not expecting the answer that would follow.
    "It's a maze. Unless you want to get lost and die in there you shouldn't go. After all-" He stopped.
     "After all what?" I asked since curiosity got the hold of me.
    "I don't think you should be concerned about." He said and turned the other way making obvious to me that you wouldn't talk about it anymore.
     " Are you coming, I also have a tour to give you" stopped and looked back at me.
    " Sure". I answered taking a last glance to the opening.

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