Chapter 16: The Fall

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Third Person's P.O.V.:

Everything is moving so fast. Black then the scenery changes into a warm house full of laughter. A brown haired woman a tall Man and two σտեցേബ. The whole image pauses with one exception. The girl starts moving trying to make the rest move with her. She starts crying and screaming their names. No reaction. The girl falls to the ground and let's her tears drop to the floor. The eyes of the frozen people turn black. Same happens with their veins. The girl finally raises her head. She starts screaming but they remain frozen. The little girl tries to get closer but fails her feet won't move. She is forced to watch as the people fall in a black abyss. She isn't giving up. She still tries to move reaching out to catch them but nothing. Eventually all of them fall she remains alone the dark abyss getting closer ready to suck her in too. The girl tries to escape but no matter how hard she tries she is not the one controlling her fate. Eventually she falls to her fate reaching out to someone, anyone that will catch her. She keeps on falling and falling and falling...

Y/N's P.O.V.:

"Aaaah!" I scream and I jump up waking up.

"Y/N are you ok?" I saw Gally standing beside me. My heart was still beating and I was breathing heavily.

"What happened?" I asked. I was as confused as he was.

"I was passing by when I heard you screaming for help, are you ok?" He asked. This was the first time he was worried about me.

"Yeah...I-I'm fine. I think I had a bad dream..." I said unsure. Gally stood there. He was probably thinking of doing something. Then he just opened his arms and came closer. He hugged me. I was caught dumbfounded by that reaction. Honestly this was the last thing I was expecting from Gally.

"What are you...doing?" I asked confused.

"Uum...don't girls like hugs in these situations?" He asked a bit nervous.

"What situations?" I asked

"You know...when they are...scared...?"He hesitated and I understood what he was trying to do.

"Were you trying to comfort me?" I asked holding back giggles.

"Maybe..." He said and blushed. "Anyway now that I see you are ok I'm gonna go" He said avoiding eye contact. He turned around to leave but I caught his arm before he started moving. He turned back at me.

"Thanks, that really did make me feel better" I said, smiled and let go of his arm. He seemed surprised that I said that and honestly I was too. This was one of the few times me and Gally treated each other nicely and honestly he wasn't that bad.

'Maybe if we had had a better start or if we didn't have so many differences we would be good friends'

I thought. Gally just nodded end left not saying anything else.

"And that is why this could never happen in this one" I brought myself back to reality

'Gally probably doesn't even like me as a person' I thought and that made me feel kind of sad. I bounced back almost immediately though since I wasn't in any kind of way attached –or fond to be honest- to him or that idea. I tried to go back to sleep but my efforts were in vein. After 15 minutes laying down I got up. I looked on the other side of the hut. Teresa was gone probably out with Newt to write her name on the wall and find herself a job, although after what had happened yesterday and judging by the fact that she knew how to use a syringe and how to inject it I had a feeling that I would be having a new colleague soon.

I started getting dressed with the same outfit. It felt disgusting wearing the same clothes for the 4th time this week but I shouldn't complain. I mean I was privileged enough to have the chance to actually wash it. After I finished getting dressed I headed to the med-jacks to start my work early. I actually had a plan for that day. I would start my morning swift, get some breakfast finish my shift and then before the runners (Thomas and Minho) return I would visit and uncover the mysterious hut I came across in the forest. I had to know what was under that piece of fabric I knew I did...

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