Tired of dancing and beginning to feel his stomach grumble Harry decided to pull away and head inside.

"I'm gonna go get some food!"






Harry just laughed as he walked away, at least he knew that at least a little of the alcohol they had been consuming was going to be absorbed by some food. Harry made his way over to the opened sliding glass door that lead into the kitchen area of whoever's house this was. Harry thought it was insane that somebody would feel okay having a bunch of strangers over to their house, but hey Harry didn't judge too much as he knew that he himself would never do anything to concern the owner.

As Harry's feet went from the outside grass to the cold tile floor he noticed the shift in the atmosphere. Instead of a cover band playing with people dancing there was Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber, and Khalid blared through the surround sound speakers with people sitting along the couches and stray chairs just doing shots.

Anybody could tell you that it was a clear divide of the popular's and the regular's. A comical laugh escaped from Harry as he walked straight into the kitchen trying to avoid the drunk teens on the other side of the wall. Harry was thankful that unlike Louis's house the kitchen was completely cut off from the rest of the house, only a faint beat of the music could be heard.

Harry quickly realized that all of the alcohol and major party food weren't in the kitchen, and suddenly it made perfect sense now that the kitchen itself wasn't packed to the brim like the rest of the house. Harry saw a loaf of bread sitting on the counter and took note as he walked to the open pantry. Sitting on the edge of a shelf was a jar of peanut butter and Harry had never been so happy. Harry's large hand grasped jar and pulled it out before walking over to the counter and setting it down.

Trying to keep things clean Harry laid down a small paper towel sheet before opening the bread loaf and taking out two pieces and setting them down ontop. Harry unscrewed the lid of the peanut butter jar before realizing that he didn't have a knife. Quickly and quietly Harry began to open the kitchen drawers looking for something to spread the food.

With his back turned away from the kitchen entrance Harry was still rummaging through the kitchen when he heard the door open. Harry immediately stoped and his head snapped upwards.

"Wow there Haz its just me, no need to become a deer in headlights!"

Louis's voice registered in Harry's head before the sight of him registered in his eyes. Harry's shoulders dropped with relief knowing that it was just Louis.

"Sorry, just wasn't expecting anybody."

"Oh, you weren't expecting anyone to come into a kitchen at a New Year's Eve party?"

"Shut up!"

The boys let out a laugh as Louis walked deeper into the kitchen while Harry stood up.

"What are you looking for?"

"Just a knife."

"in the drawer to your left. Wait, you aren't going to stab me right?"

"If you keep interrogating me maybe!"

Now with a butter knife in his hand, Harry jokingly turned around pointing the dull knife at Louis.

"I'm just trying to make a sandwich."

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