Chapter 6: Meeting the night class

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After school was over, Zane ask if he can drive me home. I told him that I wanted to stay after school 'cause I wanted to go some research on something about how animals react in the face of danger. It was for a projet in science class. Zane is the nicest guy I know 'cause he told me he will come and take me home when I'm done and left it at that.

I went to the computer lab and started on my research. I am a fast tiper and I raed very face, so its probably going to take me about a half an hour to make this essay and print out pic's for the poster board. Let's get started, I thought to myself and began my work.


It didn't take my a half an hour, it took me like atleast three hours to do this. I sighed to myself getting frustrated when I heard voices. Still sitting in my seat, I look up at the clock and noticed that it is 6:30. why are people still in school? I thought that I was the only one here, I thought to myself. After a while, the door is open to like 8 people coming in. They all notice me and was silence.

"Ummm... do you guys need something?" I said curiously. They all look at each other then a guy that must be a teacher, walks over to me. " Hello, are you a day class student?" he asked me with cold looking eyes. I nod and then reach into my pocket to show him my permistion slip and my combat pass. A combat pass is something that every student must carry in this school. My combat pass is silver and has a sun carved into it. When you open it, there is my picture and a favorite qoute inside.

The teacher looks at my combat pass and nods his head. " So sorry to interrupted your studys, but you see we have a class to begin here." he said. "A class? At 6:30 at night?" I said to him confused. He nods and continued, "yes. My name is Mr. Polly Jackson and these are my students. The reason why we're here this late is because, we are the night class."

I frozed. I couldn't beleive that this is the night class. The very class my cousin told me to say away. All of the night class student look at me. "Prove it," I said trying not to sound so shock. Which by the way, I am. One of the night class students walk over to me and shows me her combat pass. Her combat pass is silver like mine but has a moon carved into it. After looking at it for a moment, I look up to everybody in the room, "Carry on," I said and went back to my work.

They soon do the same and started class. The night class. They don't seem that bad ut I feel uneasy. After a long moment I've finally realized what makes me feel so uneasy as I stare at them. All of the sudents-

All of the students are extremly beautiful......

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