Chapter 24: Renji

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Renji above.....

(Amber's P.O.V.)

It's is so fun just watching her struggle. The so called angel of the school is begging to live and bowing her head down at my feet, begging for forgiveness. What a pity....she was so pretty too. Now that I have her, all I need to do now is take her to Lord Alex and everything will go according to plan.

(Normal P.O.V.)

I can't believe it. In my very eyes I see Amber with a insane look in her eyes.'Why does this be happen to me?!' I thought. 'Because they are afraid of us....two halfs of a whole. One wants us alive and healthy and the other-' says inner demon.
'Wants us dead and six feet under right?' I say.
'You took the word's right oit of my mouth.'
"You know, you still look like a little bitch that tried to take my man." Amber said smirking then slapping me so hard that I fell bout 2 meters. "Fuck you..." I said and spit on the ground. I just spit out blood. Amber chuckled darkly and kick me in my side while I'm was still on the ground. I screamed in pain but that only made her laugh more out of my pain. " the loving princess hurting right now? What a shame. I at least thought you would put up more of a fight." She said in a mocking tone.
"You know...your pretty weak. Here I thought you were this strong human who can kick ass, but rwally your just a coward. A ugly selfish coward who doesn't deserve the high life. Tell me...." she said and walked over to me and grabbed me by my hair. I yelped in response. She bent down at my level on the floor and forced me to look into her now golden eyes. "Tell me...why are my future lovers look at you with only love and lust but looks at me with disgust and hatred?" She asked me coldly. Now that I think about it....I dont know why theyvlook at me that way. They are my future husband but we only just met and hung out with each other for only a few weeks tops. After a few moments of silence, Amber waited impatiently until she just slams my head down on the wooden floor hard. I screamed out in agony at the impact. "TELL ME NOW! WHY DO THEY LIKE YOU BUT NOT ME?!" She yelled in a murderous voice.
'Heads up girl.....our hero is coming for us...' My inner demon said smugly. 'What are you talkin about?' I thought. Amber slammed me down on the floor again. I wince in pain. "ANSWER ME BITCH!" She screamed at me violently. I spit in her face, smirking at her surprise yet angry reaction. "Fuck you...." I said then suddenly.....
I hear a gun shot then suddenly in a flash, the men that was surrounded Amber and I fall down suddenly headless and heartless. My eyes widened at the body's which helped made the once white white walls full of family pictures splatter with now blood. Amber suddenly looks horrified and pulls me toward her body and pulls out a sharp hunting knife and holds it tightly near my neck. I can already feel the tears ready to fall from my eyes, begging to flow down my cheeks.
But I won't do it.
I won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
I forbid it.
A man stood in front of us. He is wearing a black hoodie that covers his face and blue jean pants with black, blue, and purple adida's. He had what looks like a metal......something....where his hand should be. Amber is trembling slightly behind me as if she seen a monster that breathes fire and is cover in blood of a thousand dead men.
"B-back off, or she dies!" Amber shutters and clinches the handle of the blade tightly for dear life. The mysterious guy just walks closer, not stopping as if I was not there. Amber moves the knife slightly towards my neck. My eyes closes in frustration. 'I REFUSE TO DIE TODAY!' I thought to myself. But right when she was about to cut my throat open.....
Time just stops......
I didn't even see him move... I didn't see Amber drop dead with the knife she was holding on my neck was now in her head deeply. The mysterious guy crouched down in front of me. Pulling down his hoody to reveal the most gorgeous face I've ever seen. His face is just perfect with mesmerizing green eyes, slightly pale skin, long red hair and a long scar on his left eye. He looks me up and down and moves his hand to touch my cheek to move my head slightly, to inspect my wounds. I wince at his touch.
"Are you ok....princess?" He said with a deep hipmotizing voice that I got lost in very quickly. I nod and get up shakingly get up. As soon as I stand up straight, my legs give out and I fall forward but is catch by the stranger. My eyes grow heavily and I begin to see darkness. Before I black out, I hear the strangers voice.
"Don't worry princess, I'll protect you with my life. For my name is Renji. I am the guardian of speed. Now rest now....."
After that, complete numbness over comes my entire body and I am overtaken by the surrounding darkness.

Black FlameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora