Prologue: Part 1

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It was a very hot day on Kazil Plateau (obviously because it's in the middle of a planet-wide desert), Ratchet and Clank were at Ratchet's place and side job, Grims garage.

In the previous days, the duo had been late to save the day, the other Galactic Rangers had always stopped evil before they had even arrived. Clank, obviously, as he always does, got over it quickly as he's a robot, but Ratchet, he couldn't get over the fact. He would do anything, Anything, just to be there in time, or better, before the other Rangers.

Ratchet was working on a hyper jump drive, one that would fundamentally break all known laws of physics, if everybody didn't already. One, that would, create a wormhole, that would fold space-time, making travel almost simultaneous, if the theories were correct.

Clank, however, didn't approve of this idea. He know a lot of things, but what he didn't know, would be the effects of wormhole travel, because it was never tested before (I know, they live in a galaxy where space travel is fast, but ya gotta make a storyline =) ), he knew very well that anything could happen.

"Ratchet, I do not think that this is a good idea." Clank worryingly said.

"C'mon Clank, just imagine, we will be heroing again! We will be able to save the day in an instant!"

"We don't know what will happen when we travel through the wormhole... Anything could happen!"

"Nah, I read that holo-book on quantum physics, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing, and I pretty sure what will be the outcome!"

"Those are just theories! Ratchet, don't do this."

"Don't worry Clank, everything will be fine, Ok, I'll put a kill switch that will stop the drive if something happens."

"Ok, fine."

Ratchet tinkered with the drive for the next 2 hours, adding anti-gravity coils, anti-anomaly systems, and his own creation, the Wormhole Creator. It uses high amounts of energy to collapse a tiny particle into a wormhole, then, with the other parts, keeps it open, and prevents it from collapsing.

Then, after he was done creating the drive, he reached into his work bench cabinet, and took out a kill switch kit, then he carried the entire drive, which was the size of your standard ground vehicle engine (car) , to the ship, which was on a ship lift. Clank helped carry his Toolbox and brought his welding kit.

Ratchet opened the hood of the spacecraft, and with the help of his engine mount, lifted the drive into the engine bay, then he went underneath, and attached all of the wires and piping.

He then (sorry fo saying "then" so much =( ) went and installed the "Super Cheap (But Effective) Emmergency Kill Switch by Gadgetron" on to the dash in the Cockpit of the ship.

"Ah, whew, all done." Ratchet said in relief, wiping sweat off his forehead. Clank slurped on his oil he got from the oil supplies.

"are you sure that the drive will work the way you think it will?" asked Clank.

"Quit worrying Clank, I'm sure that everything will be okay." Ratchet said.

"okay Ratchet." said Clank.

"so, now all we need to do, is wait for them to--"

"CALLING ALL RANGERS! NEFARIOUS IS AT IT AGAIN! CALLING ALL RANGERS TO KERWAN ORBIT!" said Captain Quark over the communication unit, cutting Ratchet off.

Ratchet pressed his utility belt and his body was covered in the Galactic Ranger's Protosuit. He, thinking that it would be a simple space battle only brought his trusty wrench. Ratchet hopped into the ship.

" C'mon Clank!" said Ratchet, turning the ignition, the engine roared.

"Coming!" said Clank throwing the oil away in the bin, then quickly rushed and hopped into the ship.

Ratchet then pressed the gas pedal, and the ship flew out and up away from the garage. Soon, the sky became increasingly black and blacker until they were in outer space.

"Okay Clank, activate the warp drive!" said Ratchet excitedly.

"I'm not sure about this..." Said Clank, unsure about the effects again.

"Don't worry Clank, if anything happens, we'll flip the emergency kill switch."

"okay, let's do this..." Said Clank, pulling the hyper jump lever.

Soon the entire universe warped and stretched, and then zoomed by faster than the speed of light.

"Woah! This is awesome! " said Ratchet excitedly.

The ship zoomed faster and faster! The entire universe went into blueshift as the ship went through the wormhole.

Then, the computer of the ship went into overdrive.


"Oh no!" said Clank.

"Quick Clank! Pull the kill switch!"

Clank immediately flipped the kill switch, instead, it broke off.

"umm... Ratchet??" said Clank increasing in panic.

"dang it... I knew Gadgetron couldn't be reliable!"

Then, they looked as they came through the other side, falling down towards the ground.

"AAHHHHHHH!" they both screamed, holding each other as the ship came crashing into the ground.


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