Chapter Twenty Five Emma

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Me and Jess were at the mall for the rest of the day. My feet and back had started to ache after just two hours of walking around and carrying heavy bags. We had to stop at the car twice to drop off bags. We had spent probably a thousand dollars with just one trip. Mostly spent at Hot Topic and in the food court.

I needed new band merch anyways. Jess had forced me to go to Forever 21 and a couple other "girl" stores. I don't know why she did, she hates those stores. She made me pick out 3 dresses, a couple pairs of heels, a new curling, and a shit ton of jewelry and makeup. "I have my reasons." Was all she says when I questioned her.

I have a good idea that one of the outfits is for our high school reunion that's coming up in a couple months. I don't want to go. High school wasn't the best time of my life. I got stuck with the nickname "the orphan" but who had a good high school experience?

I had thanked Jess and hugged her goodbye when we finally arrived at my apartment after she and Charlie helped me with my bags. It isn't even dark now. The sun beamed proudly into my windows. I had to make Jess leave the mall and stop spending money.

After walking up the stairs carefully with all my bags and dropping them on the floor in my room I ran a bath. My bath is my favorite thing of the apartment. It is very big and has jets on the side. I dropped in 2 of my favorite bath bombs and bubble bars with some rose pedals left by Andy in my closet.

I undressed and stepped in letting the water take my body. The bubbles were filled with glitter from the bath bombs and were now climbing higher up the tub. I reached to the outside of the tub and pulled open a little door, or compartment as some may call it, and retrieved the little key in there. I then unlocked and opened the cabinet above the tub next to my shampoos. Inside is various bottle of alcohol and glasses. I placed the key back where it belongs and looked back to the bottles.

I have three bottles of whiskey, two bottles of champagne, one bottle of white wine, two bottles of tequila, and a half empty bottle of vodka. Vodka gets me very sick. I discovered this a long time ago and have yet to take the bottle away. I thought back to my last experience with whiskey. It was not a good one and champagne is not strong enough drink for me right now. My hand flicked indecisively between the tequila and wine for at a couple seconds before closing over the tequila bottle. I have never had tequila. Chris had got me the bottles for my birthday and I've been too afraid to try it. I don't drink as much as it seems. Anymore anyways. I used to drink to numb the pain. But now that pain is almost gone. Still there but no longer threatening me. So now I want to drink to get drunk. Andy isn't here so there's nobody to stop me. I popped open the bottle and took a tiny sip from the bottle. I spit it immediately back out and into the tub water.

It is disgusting. My mouth tingled after the touch of the drink. Reluctantly, I tipped the bottle back to my lips and swallowed a big gulp this time. I made something of a gagging sound then smirked at the bottle in my hand. Already I could feel the effects of it and it was long before I was piss drunk and talking to myself. I attempted to put the bottle back in the cabinet. It crashed to the floor instead and for some reason I found this unbearably funny. I laughed hard as the water in my tub shut automatically as not to spill over. The soft music playing in the room was more louder than I thought it was just 5 minutes ago. I yelled at the radio to be quite but it didn't work. I signed and shrugged it off before picking up my phone. I haven't talked to Andy all day so I thought it would be a great idea to Skype call him.

It took me a minute to find the app and even longer to find Andy's face, but I finally did and hit the call button. He answered immediately, "Emma! What's-- are you in the bath?" I saw his face turn red as he looked at his phone.

"ANDY! HOLY FUCK I MISS YOU! I MISS MY BOYFRIEND, ANDY!" I yelled into the phone, "Hey!" I giggled, "are you wearing makeup?" He just started into the phone, "silly boy!" I busted out laughing and squinted at him, "you're so pretty!"

"Emma? Are you drunk?"

I threw my hands up and tossed some bubbles in the air happily, "YES! And I'm have so much fun!" I stopped celebrating suddenly and brought my phone close to my mouth and whispered, "Andy, guess what!"

He leaned towards his phone, "what?" He whispered matching my tone, the corner of his mouth pulling to a smile.

"I drank tequila," I continued to whisper, "and I think I like it!"

He smiled a big smile and at that moment the rest of the guys were surrounding him yelling their greeting. I laughed and they all quieted suddenly at the same time.

"Emma? Are you drunk?" She thought is was Jinxx talking but it was Ashley's mouth that moved. Emma nodded while biting her tongue. She watched as all of them started turning a dark pink color. "And are you in a bath?" Ash spoke again with wife eyes.

"YES! And I'm naked too! Ya wanna see?" I started to pull myself up and I heard protests from Andy. He yelled once and then clicked the end call button leaving me with a black screen. Disappointingly, I settled back into the hot water. The room around me is spinning as I sit still.

The bubbles reached up tall in the tub encasing me in a fortress of soapy soldiers. I poked at them mindlessly. I've never been this drunk before. There is a happy drunk and very bad drunk. This is my first happy one. I giggled at the swirls of colorful bubbles all around me and it wasn't long before my eyelids slipped down and I drofted into a quiet and warm sleep.

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