Peter couldn't help but notice that his cheek was damp, even his uninjured eye stung as he desperately tried to hide the tears produced from the guilt of the aforementioned deaths. Harry's words hit an exposed nerve.

"Is that your solution to everything? Just punch it? No wonder you're so obsessed with dueling, you're bloody insane!" Harry hissed.

Peter huffed in fury, he took a step forwards, in return Harry quickly took a step back, Viktor firmly placed a hand on Peter's chest as he looked at him with uncertainty. Peter froze as he felt the hit of fear from both of them, whether either of them were aware of the feeling. He pulled himself away from Viktor like the touch burned, then quickly turned on his heel as he escaped down the hall. Only to break out into a run after he escaped the eyes watching as he turned the corner.

A small sniff escaped as he tried to wipe the tears from his face.

' What was happening? Why was everything going so wrong? '.


Mr. Finnegan found Peter near the top level of the owlery on a small balcony. He sat with his legs hanging over the edge as he leaned forward against the lowest bar of the metal railing. He looked out at the black lake where one of the tentacles of the giant squid could be seen breaching the surface.

Leia sat on Peter's shoulder, and Vader snuggled up against Peter's arm while perched on the thin bottom rail.

Mr. Finnegan stood next to Peter as he leaned his elbows against the top of the railing. Vader perched between them, but his eyes were locked on Mr. Finnegan now with a murderous glare.

'You move any closer and I will be forced to take lethal action,' Vader's hoot sounded like a deep growl.

"This is Vader, he says hi," Peter sighed.

"Yeah, I noticed you got a new bird, but he's never stayed long enough for me to get a good look at 'em," Mr. Finnegan sounded amused as he studied the creature, "Quite magnificent up close. Is he a war owl?"

"I think so," Peter shrugged vaguely. Peter kept his eyes focused on the water below, the sunlight twinkled off the gently rippling surface.

He felt stiff and wasn't looking forward to the conversation ahead.

"Poorly misunderstood creatures," Mr. Finnegan said as he lightly brushed his knuckle against Vader's neck to smooth out some of the raised feathers.

'This human is acceptable,' Vader mumbled as he relaxed slightly.

Peter huffed in amusement at the owl, "Yeah," He agreed, "Tony got him for me so Leia wouldn't have to strain herself when I sent letters to MJ and Ned."

"Speaking of, how was it living with Stark during the summer? He givin' you any trouble?" Mr. Finnegan asked.

Peter could sense the familiar protectiveness the professor had for all his students, it was an easy sense to take comfort from.

"Tony's great," Peter smiled, "He'd try to work from home when he could, so we hung out a lot, especially in his lab. He helped me with my projects. It was a little awkward showing him the wizarding world but he was surprisingly cool with it... mostly, but you know." Peter shrugged. "He told me a little bit about my parents."

Mr. Finnegan nodded quietly, "That's good, he ever start becoming a problem you can always send ol' Vader my way." He gave Vader a small pat on the head before taking a few steps so he could crouch down and sit on the other side of Peter to avoid the large protective owl separating them. He took his hat off, holding it between his hands as he rested his arms over the bottom bar of the hand rail.

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