Chapter 11

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[A/N: Mooore Fan Art!! Alex-Fierro17 has once again created an amazing piece for our favorite Spider-Wizard!]

[A/N: Mooore Fan Art!! Alex-Fierro17 has once again created an amazing piece for our favorite Spider-Wizard!]

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Viktor wasn't what you'd call a chatty person, but he still held interesting conversations, well, more like he'd ask Peter a simple question and then Peter would do his thing and ramble on for five or ten minutes before Viktor asked another question. Draco would join in occasionally, but he seemed more interested in listening to Peter as well and when anyone else would try to drag Viktor into some other conversation Viktor would just give polite nods in response before asking Peter another simple question.

Surprisingly, most of it was about Ilvermorny. Very few were directed towards anything Avengers related or muggle world unless Peter was the one to bring it up in his rant.

He could sense the hostility and resentment coming from some of the Slytherins that Viktor chose to politely ignore to continue his conversations with Peter and Draco.

After dinner, and everyone had their fill, the Great Hall was silenced by the Headmaster with a simple raise of his hand after he stood up.

The excitement in the room was strong enough to drown out Peter's ability to sense the emotions of Viktor or Draco without having to focus. For all Peter knew they felt just as excited, in all likelihood they probably were judging by the looks of anticipation.

"The moment has come," Dumbledore said, a small smile appeared as he looked around at the awaiting students. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket-."

"Like... a coffin?" Peter whispered.

"I think he is referring to some kind of box perhaps?" Provided Viktor.

"-Just to clarify the procedure which we will be following this year," Dumbledore continued. "But firstly, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical cooperation," There was a quiet applause at Mr. Crouch's introduction. The man that Peter remembered from the World Cup stood up as his name was called, he scanned his eyes around the room, but Peter could have sworn he paused for a moment as they passed over Peter.

A small chill ran down his spine. One only triggered by his spider sense.

Peter shifted uncomfortably as he kept his eyes on Mr. Crouch, he almost didn't notice Dumbledore announce the other man who had joined the teachers table earlier that meal.

"And Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

The response from the students was much louder at Mr. Bagman's introduction, Peter couldn't find the will to consider why, he just kept his eyes on Mr. Crouch.

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