Chapter 11: Helicopter

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I push the exit doors open and a lady runs up to me and orders that I should follow her if I want to see tomorrow. She leads me to a black Mercedes, where I get in the passenger's seat. I look around to see if she's coming and she's not, she's running back into the school building. I reach for my phone in my backpack to call Kylie and Noah, but none of them seem to be answering. I look at the rear glass to find Emilia and the young lady running towards the car. 

The moment they get in, I start attacking them with questions. "What's going on? Emilia Is something wrong? Who are you actually? I need to-"

"Jamila," She's never called me this before,  I never even told her my full name. "We're heading somewhere that you'll be safe from Lesley."

Did Emilia just say, Lesley? As in Toby Lesley? I knew he was after me, I knew he wanted revenge. Why wouldn't he?

"Emilia how do you know-" The lady driving the car cuts me, rude!

"Agent Anderson." 

Say the who to the what now?

"Noah." Emilia says. 

"Noah? What does Noah have to do with this? Why is Noah an Agent? He better be a real estate agent! And why is this so cliche?" I turn to look at Emilia in the backseat.

"Jamila, I think it's better your question get answered when we get to where we are going." The lady says in a firm and professional manner of tone. I don't like her.

We head towards my house, but the lady seems to drive past it. "Ehm, I'm sorry but you just drove past where we're supposed to be heading to." 

She doesn't say anything, she didn't even look at me.  Again, rude! I look around the car to find some of my brother's possessions in it. His old phone case, his backpack, his wristwatch that he never lets me or anyone touch or even come close to, and his ex-girlfriend who happens to be seating behind the wheels.

Wait! Oh my God!

"Diane!" I voice out loud causing her to lose control over the wheels for a moment.

"Took you long enough." She smiles at me. 

How could I not recognize her? It has just been four months since I moved away from Washington and her image has already vanished out of my memory. If she wasn't behind the wheels, I would've tackled her into a hug.

I officially know every single person in this vehicle. Diane Jefferson, Emilia whatever her last name is, and me, Jamila.

It feels so good to feel safe and not be chased by a van shooting at your vehicle, cause that is exactly what is happening!

Diane accelerates a bit too fast for my heart to handle, I fasten my seatbelt and watch the terrorizing street chase.

Emilia hands me a gun. "Here, take this."

"And do what!" I give her a bewildered stare.

"Follow my lead."

She pops her head out of the car window and starts shooting at the van. On my side of the story, I'm here still trying to figure out how to load the gun. I look at the pressy thingy, whatever it's called, and I press it. The glass it shattered spoke for me.

"Hey!" Diane shouts barely looking at me. "Are you trying to kill the assailant after us or destroy my car."

I give her a quivering smile.

Emilia pops her head back inside and reloads her gun. She taps me gently. "Ehm, I gave you a gun to use it and not to stare at it!" She started with a soft tone, but the way she ended it was definitely the opposite.

I stick my head out but push it back in when I hear the sound of a gun. "I can't do this!"

I open the door of the car and I jump out, I have to admit, I did feel the scratches and bruises from the harsh intercourse between the road and my skin. 

I aim for one of the tires of the van and pull the trigger, which I now know is the name of the pressing thingy. I watch it wobble its way to the direction of a building. People gather to save the victim of the crash but run the moment he starts shooting rapidly. 

Emilia and Diane both come down from the car and start aiming for him, I repeat their action as he drops his gun and puts his hands in the air.

He attempts to run but gets stopped by Noah and Kylie who block his way.

I start pacing towards them all as they try not to make eye contact with me.

"What the hell is going on?" I stare right at Noah before I trail my eyes to Kylie who stands beside him.

No one answers me. They just keep starring at me. I turn and decide to walk home, even if it will take me three hours to get there.

"Wait!" The voice of Kylie stops me. I turn to look at her.

"We're taking you somewhere were Toby won't find you." She says before trying to grab my hands.

I move them away before speaking. "I thought you said we're not running away from him anymore"

She reaches for my hands and tangles my fingers with hers. " When we said 'we', we meant me and Noah. You can't fight him, he's Toby and he's strong and can kill within a second." She takes a deep breath before giving out her second part of the lecture I may or may not be listening to. "What you want to do now is the same reason we lost-"

"Don't!" I stop her, I hate it when someone brings 'her' up. The fact that Toby killed her is already enough torture, I don't want to remember how she died, or anything about her, I prefer to stay strong than remember her. I know that's not the best technique, but it's my tecnique. "Don't bring her up."

There's a moment of silence as I notice the Jordan look-alike is no longer behind Kylie ad Noah. Unbelievable! How could we be so careless. I groan and walk past them into the car, and they did the same. The drive so far is a bit to quiet, I watch as it begins to get dark.

"How long will it take till we get to our destination." I ask as I poke my head in between the driver's and passenger's seat.

"We're there." Diane says without looking at me. I don't seem to see a building anywhere or something, all I do see...actually, all I hear is a some noise that keeps getting louder and louder and it also kind of sounds like a helicopter?

"You told me we're going somewhere safe!" I yell so she would be able to hear me over the sound of the helicopter.

"This is going to take us somewhere safe." Emilia responds for her.

We all get down from the car and head for the helicopter. Kylie and Noah get down from their vehicle and head towards another helicopter which is landing. Great! More noise!

I use my hands to shield my face from the wind trying to blow it away. I struggle to get to the helicopter, but when I finally do, someone slides the door open from the inside.


A/N: Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back!!!! Y'all already know why I haven't been updating and uploading new chapters. But I'm fulltime back. I know you may kill me cause of this cliffhanger again, but a writer's gotta do what he/she's gotta do! 

See y'all in the next chapter...................Don't stress about life and stay safe✌🏽

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