Part 26

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Eric's Pov:

I parked and got out of my car moving slower then usual because I was sore and almost too fucking tired to move. That run yesterday had donkey stomped my ass but the aftermath with Steven damn near killed me. Oh but what a way to go. We didn't get kinky or anything. In fact most of it was taken slow but I honestly think that was the most mind blowing sex we've ever had.

I felt totally connected to him on a whole other level. I'd been honest about how I felt about him and even though he didn't say he loved be back he gave me something he'd never given anyone else.

His kisses felt deeper like we weren't holding back anymore. We'd dropped straight to sleep from exhaustion right after but spent the entire night wrapped around each other.

He'd woken me up with breakfast in bed then we showered together which usually we try not to during the week so we're not tempted to forget we both have to get to school. We'd washed each other and kissed and cuddled but nothing more and honestly it made me feel like even though he hadn't said it, maybe he does feel it. Or at least something close to love.

I strolled into first period and smiled when my phone vibrated with a text from Steven telling me to have a good day and he missed me already. I hit reply but my phone was snatched from my hand and I was being dragged out of first period before the bell even rang to begin it.

"Where do you think you're taking him? Class is about to begin." My bitchy teacher shrieked.

John didn't even turn around. "Family business, take it up with the Dean" John snapped pulling me through the door.

"What the hell stupid?" I snapped yanking my hand out of his.

He turned to face me and he was pissed. His eyes were narrowed and his jaw was clenched. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"The shit's hitting the fan bro."

"What's wrong? What happened? Do I need to beat someone's ass?" I asked because I'd never seem him this pissed.

He laughed. "Yeah we do but I don't know whose yet. We're needed in the Dean's office. There's something you need to see."

We walked in and the unusually packed office got silent.

"Get a fucking life and stop believing every god damn thing you idiots read!" John snarled.

Immediately everyone looked away.

"What the hell was that about?"

Before he could answer Delilah opened her door and motioned me in.

I dropped down in my usual seat. "What is up with everyone today?" I asked.

She sighed and looked at John. "He hasn't seen it yet?"

John shook his head and Delilah handed me the newspaper.

I looked down and felt my eyes widen at what I say.

Golden gay boy romantically involved with known anti-gay supporter Senator White's son.

Under it was a picture of John and I outside during lunch when we were talking about my feelings for Steven. Three pictures total and each one looked way more intimate then what happened. They were shot from a distance when John had forehead on mine trying to calm me down and when he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders whispering about what I should do. They looked like we were kissing then he was kissing my neck.

I skimmed each picture's blurb and rolled my eyes. Romantic lunchtime tryst my ass.

I looked up at John and sighed. Now I understand why he's so pissed. He'd never intended on telling his dad that he was Bi and now this shit was in the paper and the Senator religiously reads the paper every morning with his coffee.

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