13 - Transient Fatigue

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"Of course. Nothing changed." he replied. She sighed in relief. Their eyes met as she went inside the elevator and Bin said loudly, "Let's talk when you get home, Love".

Yejin nodded in reply, her eyes saying all her lips couldn't at this moment.

The elevator closed.


Dr. Son was made for the OR. That was the thought in everyone's mind when they saw her create an incision in the mother's uterus, pull out the fetus with all the amniotic fluid falling out, remove the tumor, put the baby inside the womb, and sew her uterus shut back again.

It was a taxing emergency surgery that took her more than 7 hours to finish. She went in at 4:00 inside the OR, and it was already near noon when she went out. The adrenaline had worn out, and her exhaustion was dragging her out of the hospital to her car.

However, the sound of multiple ambulance sirens stopped Dr. Son to her tracks before she can leave the hospital. The doctors in the ER flocked to the entrance, ready to attend to the patients.

"Multiple MVC! School bus vs SUVs!" Several gurneys wheel little children with injuries into the ER.

Dr. Son ran back inside.


It didn't occur to Dr. Son that it was already evening. Between emergency surgery repairs and getting consults from the ER, the caffeine from her coffee was the only reason she's still functioning. She was about to go home to rest, and to do the inevitable: discuss the job offer with Bin.

She looked at her phone for the first time today, and she saw several texts from him. Mostly updates about Ae-Rin. Bin was off today, so she's extra thankful that Ae-Rin has company.

She read his two last texts:

Are you okay in the hospital? I saw the news.

Ae-Rin's at home with the babysitter. I'm at Yeonhui-dong. Furniture came earlier.

Yejin drove to Yeonhui-dong. It was a quick drive, much to her relief.

She went inside the house and saw the furniture in place. The refrigerator was already in the kitchen, the sofas are also set facing the newly installed television. The dining set is still in bubble wrap, but it was nevertheless set where they wanted it.

She heard loud noises from the back of the house where their patio is located. She saw Bin in his white shirt and faded jeans, all sweaty and hair disheveled, a pencil tucked behind his ears, holding a hammer and a piece of wood. All the other tools were scattered around him.

"Bin?" She asks. She went closer to him as he was driving a nail into the piece of wood.

"Love." He called back onto her and gave her a genuine smile and a loving gaze. That small gesture of his made her oxytocin level go up, and his smile erased all the exhaustion she's feeling.

Yejin ran towards him impending a hug. Bin placed his tools on the table and raised his hands as if he's surrendering, "Don't. I'm all sweaty and dirty."

The Dr. Son that was clad in a white dress didn't care and still went to hug him. Self restraint left his body and he hugged her back. He caressed her hair and said, "I got into thinking. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did."

Yejin just nodded and smiled as she drive away the conversation to another topic, "What are you doing, Love?"

They broke the hug and Yejin sat on one of the wooden benches. Bin returned to what he's doing while still talking to her, "Woodworking." he said simply and smiled.

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