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Overcoming the fear The Resurrection Model
Components of an excellent Introduction
How to avoid losing the audience Powerful Conclusions
Principles of a Speaker
How to benefit financially THE AUTHOR
My Journey as a Speaker

Public Speaking is an everyday phenomenon, we can not run away from it so we might as well face it head on! Stage fright and stuttering are more popular in public speaking than we think. Even the greatest speakers have had to deal with one or two of these obstacles.

Lets keep in mind that being a good speaker does not mean you do not make mistakes, Errors are common, we are human and we are bound to mispronounce some words or even say the wrong word like "Good afternoon" yet it 10am so on and so forth. As you embark on this journey with me, I will teach a few tricks on how to be an excellent speaker. This does not mean you will not make mistakes, but however you will be trained enough to know how to deal with them and minimize them.

Good luck1! I hope this training helps you. Stay focused and you will definitely succeed

"You are positioned for Success and Engineered for Greatness"


Overcoming the fear

Does your heart beat faster as you walk up a stage? Do your hands start shaking involuntarily ? Does your throat feel dry ?

These are some of the things accompanied by stage fright. How then can we revert such situation? Luckily your solution to stage fright is in this book!

 Build your confidence – our greatest enemy is within, when we learn to conquer that inside voice which tells us we are not good enough, that is when we can overcome stage fright. Stage fright is not just the fear of standing in front of people, but the fear of disappointing ourselves. Which leads us to our next point

 Get up and go! -you need to get over the fear of failing because that is the main reason why you are avoiding the stage.

 Own the stage - take a deep breath, relax and be aware that this is your moment you need to own it. Walk up that stage slowly dominating the room with every step. Take another deep breath and Speak!

The Resurrection model
This model is used when you make an error during your speech, e.g. pronunciation of word, using the wrong word like Good morning when its already 12pm. It can be pretty embarrassing right? Here are a few things which you must avoid doing when you make a mistake.

 Do not say "am sorry" -especially in competitions, avoid saying am sorry because the audience is most likely to dwell on that mistake for the next few minutes just because you have highlighted it. This is your speech the audience doesn't know it so don't highlight the error to them for all you know, they probably didn't notice the error.

 Do not walk away

How to correct an error

Very simple and straight forward, keep speaking do not pause your speech and allow people to digest your error. If you said the wrong word simply say the correct one after and keep going the key is to disguise your error with confidence.
Stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself and motivate yourself " Tadiwa( add your name instead) you are an amazing speaker you have confidence and you are a beast waiting to be unleashed. The world does not understand you because it can nor comprehend your greatness, I am strong I am powerful and I will own the stage"

Science proves that positive affirmations play a massive role in boosting yourself esteem so this activity will help if practiced regularly.

"You do not need a multitude of people to tell you that you are a good speaker, You need one person, that is you, you are enough. Take Charge of your life !"
Capturing the Audience
Components of an excellent Introduction

You need to gain your audiences attention right from the beginning here are a few ways on how to achieve this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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