Chapter 1.01

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[OKAY!! Little tip, the whole 1.01 thing is the 1. means the movie so the first, second, third etc. Then the 01 is the chapter]

My mother was never too fond of my style, short hair, 'tarty' clothes and saying "Why can't you be more like Bella?"  Honestly I don't know why I can't. I used to try, fit in, but I'm too different. I honestly don't think I belong to this universe, dimension or century! I belong in the future where everyone is accepted.

I don't get what is so wrong with me, I mean...sure! I'm a little shy, I'm awkward. Not to mention selectively mute. I have a... disability; I was born with bipolar disorder and my parents can't bare it...well I wouldn't know about my father but oh well. But I'm scared of almost everything and I hate people. I am not social at all, which leads me to my mutism. I have major social anxiety.

"Girls! Grab your bags." I get up off of the couch and walk to the door with my bags in hand; Mum doesn't bother helping me and goes to Bella and Phil helps me load my bags. He smiles at me and drives Bella and I to the airport where we board the plane and wait to get to Forks.

<after the plane ride>

As we get off the plane I see a very familiar man and smile widely and run toward him, I embrace him tightly and he hugs back and greets Bella with a side hug. I hadn't seen my dad since I was 7, I have separation issues with my sister. She tells me countless times that she doesn't care and would rather have me around than anyone else.

As we get into dads car I look out the window, "So Beau, how are you? Is your condition okay?" I gave a curt nod and a forced smile; it honestly sucked having random moods at random times. It was only mild and wasn't too bad.

"It's under control with the meds, but I could honestly go without them... they don't stop me from having mood fits though." I tell him and he nods, he knows how hard it is for me to be on medications. So I rarely take them; it wouldn't harm me all that bad, only when it got bad I would take them.

After an hour of driving we arrived at the house and I look forward to seeing my room, I was quite the music geek back then and still am. I have hundreds of more posters to put up.

"I decorated your room Bells and I left yours Beau." He told us and I smiled and we grabbed our luggage and ran up the stairs, my room was covered from wall to wall in posters.

" He told us and I smiled and we grabbed our luggage and ran up the stairs, my room was covered from wall to wall in posters

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There was still some purposeful mess I left, I had this chaotic persona when I was little

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There was still some purposeful mess I left, I had this chaotic persona when I was little. The people closest to me know that deep down I am quite cocky and confident. All of a sudden I felt really sad and started full on sobbing. I heard rushed footsteps and Bella came in and saw me on the floor. She comforted me until the mood drop had passed.

When it did dad called us down, I followed Bella shyly, I was nervous as I saw that dad had a couple of visitors coming. When we exited I slowed down and walked further back, my anxiety getting the better of me.

"Bella Swan!" A young teen said, he was smiling from ear to ear upon seeing her, I shook my head and kept my head down in anxiousness and tried to stay invisible. "Beau! How is it!" He asked, I sighed and forced a smile, waved and shrugged. He frowned lightly.

Bella sighed and elbowed me, "Just once enjoy actual people." She hissed and Jacob laughed slightly, I rolled my eyes and suddenly I felt another mood change and felt really happy and smiled brightly.

"Nice to see you Jakey!" I said with a burst of confidence that plummeted immediately to anxiousness and I cursed myself as I looked really stupid.

"See this is why we don't stray off the meds you nimrod." Bella scolded, I nodded and Jacob smiled sadly.

"Getting worse huh?" I nodded and Bella reached into her pocket and pulled out a bottle of meds.

"Lucky I pack for emergencies." A rush of anger surged through me and I glared hatefully and she sighed, "take them now." She scolded and forced them into my grip and stalked into the house angrily.

Bella's POV-

"Why didn't she just-" I cut Jacob short before he could finish.

"She's embarrassed of herself, it's why she doesn't take her meds. She doesn't want to end up like a psycho in a ward." I said sadly, Jacob sighed and slung an arm around me.

"Well! Bet she'll be happy when she finds out that this truck is for you guys." I nodded with him and we walked inside to see a normal Beau sitting anxiously in a corner, "normal Beau." He said happily.

Beau's POV-

I sat in the corner anxiously, when Bella walked in I shot up and grabbed her hand and she squeezed it. She understood how nervous I was being somewhere basically new, surrounded by people. I hated being so anxious all the time.

"So Beau, What are you going to do at school?" Billy asked out of the blue, I blinked and riddled with my fingers trying to reply.

"Sorry, she's a little- Uh- shy; yeah! She's shy." Bella saved the day and I was eternally grateful. "But she wants to be a psychiatrist to help people with what she is going through currently." I blush lightly and Billy smiles. It's no secret that I am a troubled child, that I'm anxious and awkward...but everyone can tell there's a confident, cocky, random person inside of me. It's hard to be myself around people and not be scared.

After Billy and Jake went home dad ordered pizza and then we went to bed.

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