Parallel Universe Part 3 - Jason x reader

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Keywords :
Y/N : Your name
L/N : Last name

Age :
Bruce : 45
Dick : 24
Jason : 23
Tim : 18
Damian : 15
You : 22

Recap :


He suddenly kisses me and i kiss back. He opens the door and we walk in, not breaking the kiss and i slam the door shut. We continue to make out on my bed and--

"Hey, (Y/N) can i talk to you about somethin-- MY EYES!" Tim yells

I quickly got off of Jason and stand up, and i felt my face burning up.

"What is all this ruckus?-- Dear god" Damian says

"Hey, looks like Little wing is getting some!" Dick exclaims while Bruce just stands there. Smirking.

Great, the whole family is here.

"Shut it Golden boy!" Jason yells, standing up too


After that whole ordeal, the family left us alone after telling us to meet up at the Cave. Tim calls for me and i walk up to him. His eyes looking at everywhere but me. Probably because he was scarred for life because of seeing Jason and i making out on the bed. Oh well.

"I think we found a way to get you back" Tim says

My eyes widen and i smile "Seriously?! That's great news!" I look at Jason expecting him to be happy, but when i look he was sad. I turn to talk to Jason

"Jay, what's wrong?" "If you go back, that means i will never see you again" he looks away

"That wont be a problem" we both look at Bruce

"We created a device that allows you to go back and forth from your universe to this universe. Your welcomed to go back here anytime you want" Bruce smiles at me. I turn to Jason again

"That means i can go to see you again Jay!" Jason smiles, walks over to me  and presses his lips against mine. I smile into the kiss

"EW! Please don't kiss infront of me, i don't need a reminder of what happened previously" Tim says, disgusted

"I agree with Drake, the last thing we need to see is you two sucking eachothers faces off"

Jason and i just laugh, then we look into eachothers eyes and i kiss him on the cheek.

"I guess it's time for me to go now.." i walk over to Bruce and grab the device out of his hand

"Make sure to come visit us!" Dick exclaims

"Of course i will" i smile sadly "So how does this work?" "Just press the button and you will be transported to your own universe"

"Okay" i say, taking a breath. "See you next time!" They all waved at me and i wave back. Then, i close my eyes and push the button

"It's been a week and we still haven't figured out how to get her back! We're in so much trouble and it's all my fault!" A worried Clarice says

"Uh guys?" Peter looks at me

"What?!" Clarice shouts and turns to Peter and Peter points at me

They all look at me wide eyed, i just smile.

"(Y/N)! You're back!" They all come and hug me

"Damn right i am" i smirk

"We thought we lost you forever!" Jean says

"Boy do i got a story to tell you" i grin

//The End//

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