Sixth Sense - Batfam x reader

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Keywords :
Y/N : Your Name
M/N : Middle Name
L/N : Last Name
N/N : Nickname
Y/A : Your Age
Y/F/B : Your Favorite Book
Y/W : Your Weapon


As the rain falls outside, i focus on my book that i've been reading, (Y/F/B). I've been living at Wayne Manor since both of my parents died when i was six. I'm (Y/A) now. My parents are friends with Bruce since they were in diapers.

As i turned the next page, Ben (haha umbrella academy fans, where u at?) chimed in "So, when are you gonna tell them?" I decided to play dumb because i REALLY did not want to speak about this. "What are you talking about?"

"Dude, you serious? I mean when are you gonna tell them you can see me? That YOU can see dead people?" Me and Ben met one day when i was just in my room


I was just casually sitting on my bed, watching videos on youtube when suddenly a guy that seems to be in his mid 20's appears in my room. I screamed in shock, and seconds later when he realized i've seen him he screams too

"Where the hell did you come from?!" Reaching for my (Y/W). "YOU CAN SEE ME?!" He asked. "Of course i can see you! You're literally standing right there!" I yelled. "How can you see me?!" "What do you mean 'how can i see you'?!" "I'm DEAD! How the HELL can you see me-" suddenly my door flew wide open with Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian at my door holding their weapons "(Y/N) are you okay?!" Dick asked, "We heard screaming!" Damian continued. I look around my room with fearful eyes only to realize he wasn't there anymore. I wanted to say that there was someone in my room but my gut told me not to.

"(Y/N)?" Tim asked me snapping me out of my trance. "I'm fine..i uh just screamed because of uh- jumpscares! I was watching Kubz Scouts play some horror game and there was a jumpscare! I'm fine!" They let out a sigh of relief. "Thank fucking god, i thought you were about to get murdered or something" Jason said. I breathed out a nervous laugh. " if you guys could i get out of my room now i'd appreciate that" "Okay, let us know if something else happens alright?" Dick said. "Yeah thank you.." Then they all left the room and the guy appeared again at the side of my bed.

"Thank you for not telling them i was here. Most people that could see me would scream their heads off and throw things at me". I chuckled lowly. "So is it true? That you're dead?"  "Yeah..i'm dead. My name's Ben by the way." He held out a hand and when i try to grab it, my hand passed right through. I let out an amazed "Woah". " Well, i'm (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N). But you can call me (Y/N). "Nice to meet you (Y/N)" Ben smiles.

(End of Flashback)

"Come on man, i already have so much on my plate. I've got school, i'm already being a burden to Bruce by living here, and lastly, you always preassuring me to tell them!" "Well EXCUSE ME for wanting you to be truthful to your family" "Hey! Don't sass me!"

"Who are you talking to?" Suddenly said Jason who was standing by the door. "You were talking to thin air" "No i wasn't!" I replied too quickly and high pitched for my liking. I cringed and mentally face palmed myself. I looked over to Ben who was also cringing at me.

"Yes, you were."
"No i wasn't"
"Yes you were."
"No i wasn't"
"You know what whatever" he said while walking out and shutting the door behind him.

"That was a close one"


Jason POV

As i walked out the room, i heard (Y/N) say "That was a close one". I walked to the batcave. Tim was on the Bat computer, while Dick and Damian were sparring. "Hey guys?" Dick and Damian stopped sparring, and Tim turned his chair around to face me.

"Have you noticed (Y/N)'s been acting...strange lately?" "Yeah, she's been talking to someone but when i look she's alone." Tim says. "And she keeps smiling to someone when there's clearly no one there." Dick chimes in. "Is (L/N) okay?" Damian asks worriedly. "I dont know but we better get to the bottom of this." Jason says.



It was the next day and i'm in the living room watching TV all while bickering with Ben. "(Y/N) You need to tell them!" "For the last time Ben i can't! What am i gonna tell them?! 'Hey guys! Did you know i can see dead people?'"

"You can see what?" Bruce asked. Standing behind him are all the boys. "Uh n-nothing!" You quickly stand up from the couch. "You clearly said that you could see 'dead people'" Jason says. "Did i say that?- You clearly heard me wrong" "No, i heard you say what jason said" Dick says. "I heard it too" Tim and Damian add.

"(Y/N), clearly something is wrong, you can tell us." Bruce calmly says. "Yes (L/N), we are your family" I briefly looked at Ben and he mouths "Tell them"

I sigh. "Well um i don't know how to tell you guys this but....i...i can see ghosts." "What you're psychic? Bullshit" "Jason!"  Bruce scolds Jason. "Are you sure? You might be Schizophrenic or something-" "I'm not! This is why i didn't want to tell you guys! You know what, i'll prove it to you! Everybody sit down!" "What like on the floor?" Tim asks.

"Yes! Just listen to me! Uh...Dick, sit infront of me!" "Why?" "Just do it!" "Ok! Ok!" Dick proceeds to sit infront of me. "Hold my hands" Dick looks at me questionably but listens to me nonetheless and hold my hands while the others sits around us. "What do you see?" Jason says jokingly still not believing me. I glare at Jason and looked at Dick then behind him and suddenly two figures appear. A man and a woman.

"I see a man and a woman." "What are their names?" Damian asks curiously. I look at the two figures ask their names. "Mary" the woman said. "John" the man said. "Uh they said their names are...Mary? Yes, Mary and John..." All of their eyes widen "How did you know that?" Dick says still suprised. "They told me".

"She could've easily searched that, how can we believe her?" Jason says. "As much as i hate to admit it, Todd is right. I mean she could've searched it on the internet". "Do i still need to prove myself? Fine. I've done this with Ben before but never to other people. So i'll try" I nodded at the pair of figures behind Dick, and they nodded back. Suddenly, The woman, Mary entered my body and my eyes turn white and my body shook for a couple of seconds.

They all stand up shocked except Dick and I; who is still holding my hand. Mary controls me as i gave her permission to posses my body.

Possesed me smiles. In Mary's voice i say "My little robin." "Mom?" Dick says with tears in his eyes as he hears his mothers voice for the first time in years. "Richard, look how big you've grown! We've never left your side buddy." Dick wipes his tears as he asks "If you're really my mother, tell me. What was the last thing we talked about?".

I smile before saying "You complained about your costume being to colorful and i said 'when i see you up there Richard, you make me think of a little robin'"

Dick smiles at the memory. "Just know that we'll always be here for you. We're right beside you no matter what." Mary pauses

"We have to go now Richard. We love you so much" "Mom wait dont go-" my body suddenly shakes, my eyes return to normal and then i fainted. All i remember next was people calling out my name and a woman saying 'thank you'.

// An hour later //

I woke up in my bed, almost forgetting what happened when i see all of the boys standing around me. Probably still shocked about what had happened. Dick was the first one to break the silence by saying "Thank you. Thank you so much (Y/N)." Then proceeds to hug me.

"I'm sorry about not believing you before (N/N)" Jason says not looking at me. "It's fine Jay, i would've not believed myself either"

"We'll leave you to rest. Come on boys" Bruce says and then leaves the room with the boys

I smile happily while going back to sleep on my king sized bed.

-- The End --

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