They finish their food, all the while teasing each other and then decided to take a walk along the lake.

Sid's p.o.v-

We got up to take a small walk through the near by lake, its very close to our place. We got up and started moving toward the direction of the lake that has a small water fall connected to it. Our hands knowingly and flirtatiously swished & touched until they finally embraced each other. It isn't the first time we held hands while walking on nature's colorful carpet, listening to the waves on the other side. She looks deep in thoughts, her hair dancing around her seductively as the wind touch her face. How could someone be this perfect. Soon, I decide to end the silence and ask her,"What are you thinking right now?" Without a second thought, she answered,"It is just magical and purely blissful listening to these waves when I cannot even see them. It's all just a one-minute action. Waves running to the shore, hitting the shore & then going back to the river. Then there's another one & then another & that just continues like clockwork. What really intrigues me is the moment between the waves, the time when one wave has just reached the shore & the other one is on its way. There's a anticipation of the new wave settling in and happiness of the earlier wave right at the surface. I think that peaceful moment in-between is just precious. It's like I can live in that peace my entire life. It's like that one-minute moment of peace & solitude could last forever."

I was mesmerized by her thoughts and couldn't interrupt her when she was saying something with so much dreams in her eyes. She didn't talk quickly in order to finish everything she had to say but took pauses when required, stressing on words that needed to be stressed on. She talked about the magic of waves like she have some magic in herself & everything around her. I listened silently and imagined everything she said. I didn't listen to come back with a wittier response, which I usually do, but to know her better. This time I listened to actually understand her. She smiled at me after was done & asked me what I was thinking. And somehow, even though I began with no expectations, I opened up too.

"I suppose what waves are to you, time is to me. You see how wonderfully & also chaotically time works? We have been walking for about 25 minutes & yet it seems like only 5 minutes have gone by. I suppose when we are with someone we like, time freezes and we live every moment vividly but it still feels as if we have just met the other person a moment ago even after spending hours together. While we kept talking on the way tonight, we felt time stop while we truly unravelled what was on our minds. I love how amazing a contrast it is. Isn't it lovely, like clockwork too?" We again smiled at each other because we both knew this was something else. And though we know each other for almost half a year, we hadn't expected to go so deep tonight.

By that time, we reached the waterfall. There was sand beneath our feet, stars above our heads & magic within us. We stood close facing each other. One wave had settled, the other was on its way & time stopped still. We found our one-minute of peace. Our bodies touching each other, us looking deep into each other's eyes. With the anticipation closing in, so did the distance between us & we kissed. Yet another kiss in that perfect moment of peace & standstill of time when we were magic in the middle of it all.

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