chapter 3

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shay mitchell's POV.

'best friends aren't supposed to fall in love, right?' that thought kept running through my mind the rest of the day, i forgot half of my lines because of that thought. i knew that ashley knew something was wrong with me, but she just let it go. right now i'm back at home (the house the four girls share) and i'm waiting for ashley to finish shooting.

after awhile i just decide to call her.

on the phone

ashley: hey shay, what's wrong?

shay: nothing, well actually yes, we really need to talk

ashley: yeah sure, i'll be there as fast as i can

shay: okay thank you byee

ashley: bye, love you

shay: love you too!

end of the call

"does she really love me?' shay asked herself and started pacing around, waiting for ashley to come home.

after a few minutes the door opened and shay ran to the door "hey ashley" she smiled at the blonde

3rd person's POV.

"hey shay, what do you want to talk about?" the blonde asked curious and came inside. the two girls walked to the living room and sat down on the couch "ashley, please don't get mad" shay pleaded "i would only get mad if you ate my food" ashley laughed "no i didn't, but this is pretty serious" the brunette said. "oh, okay" ashley said and got a bit nervous "so uhm, i dont know how to tell this" shay started "just say it" ashley said "so, uhm, this is already going on for awhile, but i really don't know how i feel about this" shay started "what do you mean shay?" ashley asked the other girl "what i mean is that, i'm in love with you ashley" shay said and looked down "wait what?" ashley asked and looked a bit shocked "you can hate me now" shay said. ashley cupped shay's cheeks where were running tears now, ashley wiped them away with her thumbs and started leaning in, shay did the same, and then they kissed, after a few seconds they pulled back and stared in each others eyes, foreheads against each other, it was a short but loving kiss.  they sat there for a while and the troian and lucy walked in "did we interupt anything?" troian asked shay looked up at her now holding ashley's hand "no" she said and ashley smiled at her. lucy and troian left the room and ashley started talking this time "shay, i'm in love with you too" for a while now, ever since the end of season 1" shay smiles at her "i thin i'm in love with you from the first time i saw you" shay says and blushes, ashley laughs "shay, what are we?" ashley asked "i don't know, what do you want?" she asked "shay mitchell, will you be my girlfriend and go on a date with me?" ashley asked, shay started smiling brightly "yes i would love to" she says and they kiss again, this time more passionate. they pull apart and just stare smile at each other "wanna watch a movie?" ashley asked "sure" shay smiled and switched on the television and opened netflix "what movie?" shay asked "you choose" ashley said, shay put on a random movie and they started watching and cuddling eachother.

a/n: i'm sorry this was a shitty and short chapter, but i was really tired and i fell asleep, so yeah, sorryy

kisses -A

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