Till Death Do Us Apart

77 2 0

Terrebonne Parish
Louisiana, USA
3rd person POV

A/N (sorry I'm just lazy and I just decided to put in the intro for the prison. I tried to write the whole thing out but I couldn't figure out what the hell Harley was saying in her cell when she asked Griggs to come inside her cell, so yea)
The guards went from being in patrols of two in the halls to becoming teams of four. The guards went from having on black gear to having multicam gear, these guards had specially equipped rifles, gas masks, night vision goggles, and teargas grenades. These guards weren't the regular guards at Belle Reve penitentiary. The regulars were just prison guards and ex- cops, but these guards were ex special forces, why? It's all because the inmate they guard. Griggs was wearing full body armor and had heavily armed soldiers surrounding him. 4 special guards stood at a huge metal door that was closed. An alarm rang and the giant metal door slowly opened, revealing a containment cell similar to Harleys but the bars were replaced with bullet proof gas. Inside sat a man looking at the floor, he was dressed in a Belle Reve jumpsuit that was slightly dirty. "Hey Boy Scout. Foods here." Said Griggs, Griggs wearily walked up to the cage and opened a small slot that was knee height. He put a packet of peanut butter crackers in and quickly closed the slot. The man got up and walked over to where Griggs was standing. "Don't call me Boy Scout." Said the man trapped inside "Oh, what are you gonna do about it Boy Scout? Are you gonna use your special training to hurt me? oh I'm so scared." Said Griggs in a mocking tone. The prisoner punched the glass causing it to crack making Griggs stumble back, he punched it again causing to break even more, Griggs ran back and an alarm rang out, sleeping gas clouded the containment cell but it had little affect as the prisoner was genetically engineered to be immune to it, he broke through the cell and stepped out. A regular guard ran at him with a taser but was punched in the throat by the inmate. Special troops flooded into the room weapons raised, one threw a flash bang at the inmate and blinded him, a group of special guards with riot shields pinned him against the wall and started tasing him and beating him with their batons. Once the guards restrained the inmate they raised him up and Griggs walked over to him, "Looks like you just broke your cell. We can't just have a fella like you sleeping a run down place like that, you get to live in solitary confinement while your homes being cleaned up." With that, special guards trained their weapons on the dangerous super soldier and walked to solitary confinement.

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