Omake: Christmas Special!!!

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Shizuka: Yow Guys!!! Merry Christmas!!! we'll be on hiatus till next year so we leave you this Omakes as compensation...please tell us which omake you like the most...and by the way the omakes aren't part of the timeline of our story except for the third one...

Aki: The only freakin Christmas gift I want  from you guys is to comment! So for the love of fries please comment!

Tsuki: Please comment for the sake of Aki and Shizuka.

Thanks for the cover IzayaKibaRyujiFREAK!!!



Omake 1: Utakata’s Gift

It was the day before Christmas when a certain blonde was crawling on the floor of her office in Namikaze Corp.

“Eh? Namikaze-sama?” A worker said when he saw his boss crawling towards the exit.

Naruko quickly stood up and pointed behind the man shouting

“Look at Distraction!!!” the man turned around, confused at her. (Stupid) He turned to look at the said ‘Distraction’. Not noticing Naruko bolt towards the exit screaming

“I’M FREE!!!!!!” When she ran out the building and into the streets.

After running all the way home, Naruko saw a Christmas present on her doorstep.

She quickly picked it up, went into her house and sat down with the present on the coffee table in front of her. She had a huge smile on her face thinking what was inside and who gave it to her.

With excitement she opened the present and saw a stack of paperwork with a note on top.


Merry Christmas!

      ----Utakata :D

(Omake by Aki Shinzō)


Omake 2: Mistletoe

“Naru-chan! Sasuke! Here’s the cake!” Itachi placed the cake on the table.

“I’m going out by the way. Some urgent business came up so I probably won’t be back till tomorrow!” Itachi said while packing his things. Naruko and sasuke nodded at him. Itachi left leaving Sasuke and Naruko alone. Sasuke looked at the cake and smirked, an idea coming into his mind.

“Yay! Cake!” Naruko grinned looking hungrily at the cake; knife already on hand ready to cut a slice for herself when…

“Wait. Dobe.” Naruko raised a brow

“What Teme?”

“We have to kiss.” Sasuke said with his ever present smirk.





“Huh?” Naruko said dumbfounded

“You-“ Sasuke points at Naruko “-and Me-“ Points at himself “—Have to kiss.”

Naruko snapped “I understand what you said!—“

“If you understand then—“Sasuke cuts in and opens his arms wide gesturing for her “—Come on.” He said. Naruko blushed a deep hue of red.

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