USA Tour

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You wake up on the couch, the hot pack still warm. You hug your legs, Josh comes downstairs.

J: hey babe.
Y: hey.
J: what's wrong??
Y: I'm just really tired. I couldn't fall asleep until 7am.
J: oh my. Cmere, you need rest.

Josh scoops you up and drops the hot pack on the couch. He lays you down in bed, then goes to get you another hot pack. He starts massaging your stomach as you slowly fall asleep. Josh gets out of the room and shuts the door.

Your Day

J: hey baby.. You feeling better?
Y: yea.

Josh goes to get changed. You slowly get up out of bed, then do your makeup. You change into leggings and a crop top. You change your tampon, then you go downstairs. You out gum, money and more in your purse. Josh comes downstairs and hugs you. The rest of the guys are packing their bags. You hear a knock at the door.. You go answer it.

Y: hi.
N: hi.. May I come in?
Y: babe, who is this?
J: Nick!! Ayyy what you doing here.
N: basically, I got a gift for you, I'm no David dobric, but here. It's a brand new tesla!
J: Holy shat!!!!! Thanks buddy!!
N: no problem. Have fun.

Nick leaves. Josh hugs you tightly then grabs the bags and put them in the trunk. He drives in the tesla to the tour place. You get you bags then sit on the chairs. Josh holds your hand.

When people come in you start feeling something. You look at Josh and tap him. He turns to you...

Y: I might've leaked babe..
J: hold on.. What!!?
Y: I forgot tampons because its the last day, and well.. I leaked.
J: shit. Ok.. come.

Josh brings you to the bathroom and gives you his sweatpants. You change into them, then go back out, Josh calls Nick and asks him to bring him 2 of his sweatpants and a bag.

I'm to lazy to write more lol.. but I'm skipping to back home in next chapter,

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