"Definitely!" I smiled. "And Harry, you're welcome over at my place any time."

"Thanks, Elena." Harry said. 

"El and I are going to go change." Hermione pulled me out of the compartment, and towards the bathrooms. "What's going on with you and Ron?" 

"Um, nothing." I mumbled, changing. 

"That blush wasn't nothing. He totally likes you." Hermione gushed. 

"Oh, hush, Hermione." I was the one blushing this time. 

"We're back

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"We're back." I announced, and saw the boys changed out of their robes, too.

"What took you guys so long?" Ron asked. 

"We take long to change, Ronald. And we have gossip sessions while chaning." Hermione explained, making the boys furrow their eyebrows. 

"Girls are weird." Ron whispered to Harry, who nodded. 

"We're here already?" I asked, as the train slowed to a stop. 

"I guess we are." Harry sighed, and I picked up Milo. The four of us walked off the train together. 

"Please, write." Hermione begged, and we nodded. 

"I can't wait to see you all in Diagon Alley." Harry said, as we got into a group hug. 

"I've got to go." Hermione sniffed, as she gave me one last hug, then left with her parents. 

"Me too, there's Uncle Vernon. See you two soon." Harry said goodbye, and left, too. 

"I don't think my dad is here yet." I frowned. 

"I can stay with you, if you'd like." Ron shrugged, and I nodded. 

"Sure." I replied, and we stood in silence for a few minutes. "Oh, there he is! I must be as blind as Harry."

"See you soon, Lena." Ron blushed. 

"Thanks for staying with me, Ronald. Have a good summer." I quickly pecked his cheek, before running over to Luna and dad. 

"Who was that?" Dad asked. 

"Um, no one." I answered, blushing. 

"But you kissed his cheek, surely you don't go around kissing strangers on their cheeks." Luna pointed out, making me huff. 

"Ron Weasley, dad." I told him. 

"Ah, I remember Arthur Weasley. What a nice man." Dad thought, before grabbing our hands and aparating us home. Right as I got home, I pulled out some parchment and a quill and ink and began writing.

Dear Ron/Harry/Hermione,
I already miss you so much! Anyways, I figured I would invite you over to my house for my birthday party. If you don't know my birthday, what kind of friend are you? I'm just kidding, it's on July 7th. If you can't make it, that's okay, I will understand. Hope to see you real soon!
Your friend,
Elena Lovegood

I got a response from everyone the next day. I was sad to hear that Ron couldn't make it, but he announced that him and his family earned a trip from the Ministry to go to Egypt, which is honestly way cooler than my birthday party, in my opinion. Harry and Hermione will be there, which I'm excited for. 

We spent the day hanging out in Muggle London, going sightseeing, mostly because Harry has never been to London before, unless it was to go to the Leaky Cauldren and Diagon Alley, but that didn't count. Harry offered to pay for my dinner because he didn't know what to get me for my birthday, while Hermione got me a Wizard's Chess set that doesn't break. 

"Thanks for joinging me, guys, I really appreciate it, but you guys should probably get going. My father said someone escaped Azkaban, but wouldn't tell me who." I said, as we made it back to Diagon Alley. 

"Someone escaped?" Hermione asked. "How?"

"Dunno. I thought it was impossible." I shrugged. "Anyways, the person is very dangerous, and can be anywhere. Bye!"

"Did you have fun?" Dad asked, once I got home.

"Yes, I did. Will you tell me who escaped Azkaban?" I asked, and he sighed. 

"Sirius Black escaped Azkaban. And people think it's to finish off what You-Know-Who started." Dad explained, making me gasp. 

"You mean... Kill Harry?"

Dun dun dun! Obviously, if you're reading this fanfiction, I'm 99% sure you know what happens with Sirius Black. This was kind of just a filler chapter, I should have just finished the year last chapter, and start the third year this chapter, but I didn't really think ahead, so forgive me. Next chapter will most likely be way better than this one!

~1275 Words~

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