Chapter 10: Just a Slice of Cherry Pie

Start from the beginning

Coughing and sputtering, I looked up at the balding annoyance with fire in my eyes. "Listen here, doc, I have no idea. Up until a few days ago, I'd never even laid eyes on that joker." I really didn't have any idea where Dean was, but I was furious he hadn't taken me with him. Suppose any bonding that occurred five years in the future was just going to have to stay there.

"He'll come back for you."

A laugh forced it's way out of me. "Yeah. Fat chance there, baldy. You see, Sparky and I have a mutual dislike of each other." At his distrusting look, I raised my hands up. "Honestly, I should be thanking you. I've been trying to get rid of that idiot since I met him." It wasn't difficult to see he didn't believe a word of it. "But hey, " grinning widely I managed to stand up, "while you're here, why don't you drop me off at my car?" His nose crinkled in annoyance. "It's just over in Iowa." Before I could get out another word, he was gone just as quickly as Dean had been. "Or not."

The only reason I knew the whole ordeal hadn't been a dream was because I was still dressed in the spare outfit I had snagged from Future Bobby's house. My head was spinning, but I couldn't focus on that right now. Instead, I had to call real Bobby. If anything, I just needed to hear his voice. Finding my back pack still in the bathroom, I pulled out my dead phone and charger, waiting for it to light up before attempting to call.

It only managed to ring once before an angry voice answered. "Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick! It's been 6 days without contact from neither you or Dean! Young lady, you better have an explanation for me right now, or so help me I am burning down your house-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there, Bobby. Tap the breaks. Don't you dare go near my house, but I promise, I've got quite the story."


It had been about two weeks since I had last seen the Winchesters, and to be frank, I wasn't complaining. Since meeting those two plaid wearing knuckle heads, I had been tortured, taken by Lotus Eaters, almost eaten  by Lotus eaters, gone under hypovolemic shock, woken up in a dystopian waste land, and left alone with a raging angel that really didn't like me. On the bright side, Stanley and I had finally been reunited.

It had taken a bit to calm Bobby down after my brief MIA week, but he was back to grudgingly loving and supporting me from his place at home while I drove around on cases. Currently, I was just wrapping up one in Santa Barbra when I got another call from Bobby. "What's up, old man?" I asked, phone wedged between my ear and my shoulder as I continued writing in my journal about my last few cases, notebook propped neatly against Stanley's steering wheel.

"Got a case for you down in Chandler, Arizona, if you think you can get there fast enough." Normally, Bobby let me find my own cases, or gave me a big one he'd caught wind of. It was pretty rare for him to call me on a regular old case unless I had a specific expertise.

With a rather aggressive final period added to my journal entry, I leaned back in my chair, chewing on my lip. "So why is this case for me?" I asked, waiting patiently.

"Well, uh, you see," he cleared his throat, obviously more uncomfortable then he cared to let on. "What I mean to say is, well-"

"Come on, Bobby. Spit it out."

He cleared his throat a little louder, leaving me to imagine the blush that must have been creeping up his neck. "Something's ganking strippers."

"And all of the horny little male hunters you know didn't want to take this case, why exactly?"

"I didn't offer it to 'em." He sighed, before continuing on. "Listen up, Ando." Pulling out the nickname he'd given me when I was 11 was one of the few persuasion techniques he knew always worked on me. "I'm thinking this one might be better as an infiltration rather than a googly eyed mission. If it's one of the girls, I don't want some of my stupid hunters getting duped."

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