"Can I play with you?' asks Chu Tian.

"No!" replies Yibo, walks to the couch and turn on the Tv and his PlayStation. He sits on the floor.

"Why?" Chu Tian whines.

"You don't know how to play it!" replies Yibo.

"I can learn!" Chu Tian retorts.

"It's not the time for you to learn. Now you better learn to draw. Next time you can draw as good as Poppy...!" says Yibo.

"Ahh... Ok. But can I draw here?" asks Chu Tian.

"WHatever...!" replies Yibo without turning to the little girl because he begins to busy playing his video game.

"Yayy...!" Chu Tian cheers. She runs to her room to collect the drawing equipment. 

Chu Tian comes back with a few boxes of crayons and color pencils. She pours the contents on the floor and starts to draw, while his daddy immersed in his game he is playing.

After about an hour later, Yibo feels thirsty. He pauses the game and gets up from the floor to go to the kitchen to take some drinks. He saw the little girl falls asleep on the floor. He glances at the wall where there are drawing all over it and he froze in horror.

"Oh, holy shit...! My mm mm life is over..." Yibo hissing in panic. He jumps to the wall and tries to clean all the colorful scratches on the wall. He runs to the kitchen and brings some water inside the bucket with soap and a scouring pad. 

Yibo starts to scrub the wall with the scouring pad and soap. The drawing erased, but the paint on the wall also gone.

"Ouch! I'm dead...!: he mutters. He glances at Chu Tian who deeply sleep. "Aish! You are so troublesome!" he cursing.

After some time, he successfully ruins the wall in the living room. He sits on the floor. Exhausted. He stares at the wall that has no paint already.

"Fuck up... I think tomorrow I have to repaint the wall..." he mumbles with the panting breath.

He crawls at Chu Tian and lifts her then walks to her room, and puts her on the bed gently.

"Deadly little rascal... You make me lost my chance to get another mm mm tonight..." he mutters. Then he lays down beside the girl and drifts into sleep.

Xiao Zhan dialing Yibo's number. But he never picks it up. So he dials the house number. Still, no one picks it up.

"Zhan Ge! Let's go for lunch!" a girl comes approaching him.

"Ahh... No, thanks. My husband and daughter are coming to fetch me up...!" declines Xiao Zhan, gently.

"then, I'll accompany you to wait for them here. Let's go to the swimming pool!" says the girl, pulling Xiao Zhan's wrist and walk to the ground area.

Now they are sitting around the swimming pool in the condo area. There are can drink on the table.

"So? Zhan Ge! How long you've been married?" asks the girl.

"umm... Around 5 years?" Xiao Zhan replies.

"Oh! And how long you dated your husband before you get married?"

"We dated for three years and started to live under the same roof, about a year later...!"

"Who make the first move? You or your husband?"

"Why do you want to know much?" asks Xiao Zhan, starting to feel annoyed with the busy body questions.

"Ahh... I just want to know about you further..." the girl chuckles dryly.

"We only related as co-workers. I don't think you need to know about my private life...!" says Xiao Zhan.

"But there is no problem if we know each other, right? We can befriend...!" the girl reasoned.

"Emily... You better don't close to me. I'm gay. And married with a child. It won't do good to you..." Xiao Zhan advises her.

"If only you are not married, will you befriend me, Zhan Ge? I like you so much!" the girl put her hand on top of Xiao Zhan's.

Xiao Zhan smiles. He puts the girl's hand away from his.

"You can't like me. As I said to you, I'm gay who married another man and we have a child, too. ISn't it weird to you?' says Xiao Zhan.

The girl puckers her lips and looks away.

"Poppy....!!" a small voice comes around them.

Xiao Zhan turns to the voice, and he saw his little girl runs to him. Behind her, Yibo follows her. Xiao Zhan gets up from his seat and crouches down, welcoming the little girl. Chu Tian jumps into his arms. Xiao Zhan lifts her up in the air.

"Did you shower just now?" asks Xiao Zhan to the little girl.

"En!" Chu Tian nods her head.

"Why did you never pick up my call?" asks Xiao Zhan when Yibo comes closer.

"I left my phone in the house. Your daughter ruins our wall in the living room...!" Yibo makes a complaint.

"What did you do?" asks Xiao Zhan, turns to Chu Tian.

"I drew the picture of you, daddy and me with a house and a cat. there is a bike and a car, too!"Chu Tian tells him.

"Oh my God, A Tian..." Xiao Zhan pinches the bridge of his nose.

"But Daddy erased them!" cries Chu Tian.

"Did you?' Xiao Zhan turns to Yibo with a relief shown on his face.

"Yeah, I did. But I erased the paint as well...!" replies Yibo. Then he grins.

At that very moment, the relief sight on Xiao Zhan's face disappears, turns into a frown.

"I prefer to see Chu Tian's drawing on my wall..." Xiao Zhan mumbles.

"See? I told you already, Daddy...!" Chu Tian pointing her index finger up.

"I will repaint it tomorrow. Promise!" Yibo raises his three fingers and grins.

"Do you know painting, ma?" Xiao Zhan scowls, putting Chu Tain down.

"I can learn!" says Yibo.

Xiao Zhan gushes and glares at him.

"Let's go for lunch already!" Yibo grabs Xiao Zhan's hand.

Xiao Zhan turns to the girl who keeps watching their drama.

"Emilly! Do you wanna join us?" asks Xiao Zhan.

"Umm..." the girl is about to accept the offer.

"Sorry! You can't! It's a family meeting!" says Yibo, faster.

Xiao Zhan looks at him and frowns. Yibo only shrugs his shoulders up.

"Ahh... I think I'll go to my Mom's house for lunch. She calls me to come over the house...!" says the girl, smiles awkwardly. Then she gets up from the chair and packs her belongings. She nods and smiles at Xiao Zhan and Yibo before she left.

"That was so mean...!" says Xiao Zhan.

"Shou Shou... If she's coming too, where we have the quality time? That's why I don't want to go for lunch at Mom's house....!" Yibo reasons.

"Ok. let's go! I'm hungry already!" Xiao Zhan takes Chu Tian's hand and brings her to leave the area. Yibo follows them behind.

Shou Tian Gong (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now