Kosaka's lips curled downwards as he heard the sadness in her voice as she spoke. The shakiness of her words made him feel just as bad as she did since he was also unable to defend Momo.

"Cheer up." Kosaka ruffled Hanako's hair, getting off the edge of her desk. "It'll be okay."

Hanako watched as Kosaka smiled reassuringly then left her class as the bell rang. Despite feeling slightly better, her worry remained when she realized that Momo was now bearing the consequences of someone else's actions.


"Momo-chan?" Yamaguchi said as he spotted the brunette female at the gym with Nishinoya and Tanaka. They were too busy talking to her to notice their underclassmen approaching. "What're you doing here?"

Momo smiled sheepishly, unsure if she wanted to tell them why she was actually on her way home.

Nishinoya threw an arm around Momo's shoulders, pulling her head into his chest. He grinned at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi as he began explaining. "Mocchi here is suspended for three days and banned from club activities for a month! She reminds me of second-year me!"

His words made Yamaguchi's eyes widen and Tsukishima's eyebrow rise.

"What?! Why? What happened?" Yamaguchi questioned worriedly, genuinely concerned about the girl. Tsukishima seemed surprised that Momo was actually capable of getting suspended.

"She didn't do anything." Kosaka said as he draped an arm around Momo's shoulders, stealing her from Nishinoya's side. "Someone broke the telescope from the astronomy club. I saw a few girls lingering around the school last night, and I think they might've been the ones who did it."

"Kosaka-senpai? What're you doing here? Clu-" Momo was cut off by Kosaka squishing her cheeks in his hands.

"Momo, I can't believe you took the blame for this thing. You're so bold." He wrapped his arms around the small female, nuzzling his face into her hair. Momo giggled, enjoying the feeling of being treated like a child from Kosaka. "I'll help you pay for the telescope since it was pretty expensive."

Kosaka pulled away, jutting a thumb in the direction of the school. "Also, astronomy club activities have been canceled for a week because Hanako-san and I agreed to resolve this first."

Momo's heart warmed at his words, feeling blessed for having such caring senpais. "Thank you, Kosaka-senpai!"

Kosaka turned to Yamaguchi and Tsukishima who were still standing nearby and smiled. "I'll walk Momo home today, so please enjoy your practice."

Yamaguchi nodded, waving at Momo who left with Kosaka. Tsukishima looked like he wanted to say something, and Yamaguchi noticed that.

"What's wrong?"

Tsukishima glanced off to the side, recalling what happened last night before shrugging. "It's nothing."


"Oi," The sudden voice caught the female's attention, surprising her. She glanced up, meeting the honey-colored eyes of her senpai. "You're the girl from last night, right?"

Shinohara closed her club door reluctantly, not wanting anyone inside to hear what he said.

A nervous sweat began to head on her forehead as Tsukishima's thin eyes pierced into Shinohara's soul. "N-No."

He clicked his tongue, standing up straighter. His height and intimidating aura only made her feel smaller and smaller. "Are you sure? I could've sworn I saw a blonde girl that looked exactly like you hiding behind the wall last night." 

She gulped, glancing away from Tsukishima. "C-Couldn't have been me."

"Oh, so now you're calling me a liar?" Tsukishima muttered, giving her a look of disbelief. His question made her panic even more.

Tsukishima's taunting attitude dropped once he realized he wasn't getting anyway. "I know it was you. I'm not stupid."

"S-So what if it was me?!" She stuttered, glaring weakly at Tsukishima who shrugged.

"You were the one who broke the telescope, right?" Tsukishima stared, keeping contact with the female. "Make sure the school knows that. Why should that Chibi-chan take the fall for your idiotic actions?"

As Tsukishima began to walk away, Shinohara grabbed his sleeve in an angry fit. "What's so special about her?! She's just a whore who acts cute to seduce guys like a prostitute! What makes you let her hang around you?!"

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, trying to get the girl's hand off of his shirt.

"Is she servicing all of you guys too? How much do you pay that slut when she sucks your di-" Before she could finish that sentence, Tsukishima covered her mouth with his hand. The look on his face was something she'd never seen.

"God, you're so annoying." Tsukishima muttered as he let go of her, wiping his hand on his shirt. "If you don't tell the school that you did it, I will."

Pulling the small recording device out of his pocket, he waved it in her face as panic began to set it. Realizing she had no other way out, she grew angry.

"I hope that slut gets what's coming to her! Stupid whore!" She growled under her breath as she stomped off in the other direction. One of her senpais came out of the club room and apologized for her since they heard everything she said.

"I feel quite bad for Momo-chan." The senpai from Shinohara's club said as she covered her mouth. "Poor girl hasn't done anything, but all of her classmates hate her. She must be very lonely."

Tsukishima expression remained indifferent as he nodded, humming in agreement.

"Must be."

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