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It felt cold as I waited outside Wisconsin High School with Amanda. Her friend was supposed to stop by but we've been waiting for what felt like half an hour and I felt exhausted from a long day of studying.

I know the guy too but not in person, his name is Jake and he was studying at another high school. From his profile picture, he has long wavy hair and brown eyes with a trimmed beard. I have to admit I was attracted a little but he likes my friend so it wouldn't be wise for me to make a move.

I see Amanda dial him for like the 20th time. It was darker than usual because of massive rain clouds and the sun has almost set. I wonder if he has a girlfriend.

"He said he's almost here", Amanda's voice disrupts my thoughts.

"Can I go now? I'm tired", I groan

I probably look like shit. I wish i wasn't in my uniform. He's gonna think I'm a weird person. I should've gone to the restroom after class to freshen up a little.

It was that moment he appeared through a crowd.

I give him a simple smile, I was the kind of girl who didn't talk to a boy. My parents didn't let me go out alone or with friends, until I finished secondary school.

"Hey." He simply says.

"We both should be heading home, follow us" Amanda tells him and the three of us start walking.

I stayed quiet during the walk, they both talked, but i didn't pay must attention to them. When I reached my home, I said bye to them and walked in. They didn't stop near my home, they continued walking.


Later that night I was studying when I got a message from Jake.


I replied with a simple *Hi*.

His next message was what made my heart flutter. *You have a pretty smile*.

And I talked to him for a while through text message before continuing to study. He explained that he thought I was Amanda and she was me which was why she followed her.

After that encounter, Jake would message me more often and sometimes stop by my house just to see my face and I go to balcony to see him. His excuse was he goes out playing Pokemon Go but i knew better. Sometimes I played truth or dare with him.

After so much talking, he confessed that he loved me and soon we were in a relationship. That's where things started to get complicated. It was sweet at first, I shared my first kiss with him, he met my parents, but in less than a month he got fed up, he said he wasn't happy anymore. I felt so guilty, I was new to all this and he never gave me the opportunity to be a good girlfriend. When he broke up with me he said he'll be back and that he wants to study.

Later i found out he was in London, studying Literature.


I got fed up trying to get someone to love me, so I stopped trying. Instead, I started working on myself, improving my flaws, learning & experiencing new things, not caring what anyone else thought. My new year resolutions for the next year was all the laws of a scout, which led me to be an even better person.

With a new start, I was a new me, until...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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