chensung - wear your coat

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chenle gets sick and jisung has to take care of him, but the former is two afraid of his secret.

chenle : regressed to around 2 years
jisung : caring boyfriend towards his baby


The week had been really cold, which would've been nice if Chenle hadn't forgotten his coat almost everyday. He'd been scolded by his boyfriend Jisung each time, but still forgot. He should've paid more thought to the tall boy's scoldings because as Saturday came around he felt very sick. Luckily he was alone in his house so he could do whatever he wanted. 

Chenle woke up at 4am and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. He had no luck falling back asleep and so he just gave up on that part. He knew what would make him feel better, and since he was alone, he wasn't afraid. He went over to his dresser and opened the bottom drawer. An array of little space items scattered the drawer and he grinned softly. All he grabbed was a pacifier and his stuffed animal and layed on the floor, colouring and pouting. He felt so bad and he wanted someone with him, but he'd already decided against bothering his boyfriend with his little space, and didn't know who else to ask. 

Around 9am his friends messaged him about getting together to hang out and he quickly told him he was too sick, obviously not mentioning he slipped. This of course made Jisung decide to rush to his house, no matter how much Chenle argued. The youngest boy's decision had been made and there was no changing it, so as he heard the door open downstairs he stuffed his little items back into the drawer and sat on his bed. Unfortunately he couldn't shake the feeling taking over his head and the moment his boyfriend walked in he reached up with a small pout. "Sungie, I don't feel good"

The younger was thrown off by the soft whine at first, but assumed it was mostly just from being sick. Chenle realized what he'd done and looked down but he was engulfed by the other shortly after. It made him feel even smaller. He decided it was okay, he could just hide it and go to sleep, wake up normal. It was working fine, they were lying quietly while Jisung played with the shorter boy's hair, until Chenle felt sick again. He jumped off Jisung and ran to the bathroom, already in tears and threw up for the second time that day. 

Jisung ran after him and sat on the floor beside him, rubbing his back and brushing through his hair with his fingers. When Chenle was finished he sat up, wiping his face and fell against Jisung's chest. "You wanna go back to bed, baby?" The taller boy said softly, the pet name making the older slip farther than before. He shook his head firmly, not wanting to walk again, burying himself farther into the tall boy's chest. 

Jisung's boyfriend was always on the more affectionate side, but never that much. He didn't mind, in fact he found it quite cute, but he was worried about the smaller boy. "Will you go back if I carry you?" he asked softly and the other nodded. So the tall boy lifted up the little and carried him back to bed. He wasn't sure what was going on and didn't know how to ask. He was just trying to fully care for him. "Can you change your clothes before we lay down, please baby". 

Chenle was gonna whine and shake his head but he was desperately trying to hide his little space from the other, so he silently nodded facing away from Jisung to wipe the tears from his face. Meanwhile, the tall young boy was looking through his drawers for clothes, not expecting what he found in the bottom one. There were pacifiers, bottles, stuffed animals, and Jisung was confused. If his boyfriend used those things, well he thought it actually made a lot of sense. After all, he was dating a very childish older boy. "Baby-" he quietly said, getting a soft whine in response from Chenle, who then turned to look and saw what he'd found. His eyes welled with tears and he began to shake, sitting farther up on the bed. 

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