Safe to say she hasn't exactly been my favorite person today.

"Is it alright if I sit here? I'm new and you guys seem nice, so I figured I'd just ask." She asks, giving us a sweet smile, her eyes especially lingering on my boyfriend.

Parker, being the oblivious idiot he is, grins and says, "Yeah, of course."

She sits down on Sam's other side, making me roll my eyes a little, reaching for my water bottle and distracting myself with the lid.

"I'm Holland, by the way, but most of my friends call me Hollie." She informs us, and I sigh.

Let's be honest here. It's not that I'm totally chill when it comes to other women sinking their claws into my Sam, but I like the think I'm pretty laid back.

Like Nevaeh. Yeah, I'm fully aware of the fact she flirts with him when I'm not around, but I don't care. I trust Sam and I trust that he'll blow her off like usual.

But this bitch isn't even considerate enough to wait until I'm not here, and it's no big secret that he and I are together.

I mean, he makes sure to at least kiss or hug me when we see each other on the way to classes, or just when we go our separate ways.

We're kinda overboard with the PDA.

"I'm Parker, this is Leo, Maddie, and Sam." Parker steps in when none of us reply, Leo's pale cheeks going red when she sees the way Hollie looks my brother up and down as well.

"It's really great to meet you guys." She says, reaching across to shake Park's hand, then Sam's, basically ignoring Leo and me.

"So, uh, Hollie, when did you start at Newport?" I ask, bouncing my leg impatiently.

"Only today, I moved here with my dad last week. I was gonna wait until after Thanksgiving break since I'd only be coming here today and tomorrow, but I decided to just look around and try my best to catch up." She shrugs, playing with a piece of her dark coily hair.

More like try to be a boyfriend snatcher, but okay.

Leo, ever the optimist, is clearly trying to give Hollie the benefit of the doubt by smiling and sparking up a conversation with her.

"Where did you move from?"

"Camarillo, it's about half an hour outside of Malibu." She replies.

"Oh, I visited Malibu with my mom last year. It was beautiful." Leo says brightly, her smile falling when she sees the unimpressed look on Hollie's face.

She just smiles tightly, nodding before turning back to Sam.

Give. It. A. Rest.

"Have you lived here long?" She puts her chin on her hand, staring up at Sam through her long dark lashes.

"My whole life." He replies, squeezing my hand under the table when he picks up on what she's doing.

"So you know the place well?" She asks, smiling and biting her lip.

Woman, I will strangle you.

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