The First I Love You Pt 2

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Warnings: Same as part one, so fluffy(ish), kinda sad.

Finally doing part two, yaayyy!

I've been sitting in the waiting room for what felt like years, waiting. All I can do is wait, they won't let me do anything else. Just wait. Jughead has been beaten up, our guess is by Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies. Our only proof are their motives. We never saw them in that building, the only odd thing is why Jughead's bike was there. Almost as if it was planned, Jughead showing up there, them possibly jumping him. It is all rushing through my head, I didn't know what actually happened, but I sure as hell was gonna find out. All I needed was for Jughead to wake up, for me to know he's okay, and to hopefully get some answers.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Serpents were out fighting the Ghoulies at their battle for the Southside or whatever. I was going to go, but I couldn't risk being gone while Jughead wakes up. While I was lost in my thoughts, I hear my name.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" A nurse questions, looking out into the waiting room. I jump up, rushing towards her.

"Is he okay? Is he up? What's wrong with him? Do you know what happened?" I ask, talking a mile a minute.

"He's fine, just some bruising and scratches. There is a chunk of skin missing from his right shoulder. He is awake, and you may go see him if you would like." She says, speaking in a very calm manner.

"Sounds good, what room?" I ask, heading into the hallway.

"Room 102." She replies, walking back towards the front desk.

I walk off to find room 102, I didn't think there were that many rooms in this hospital. I mean, considering the size I assumed it was mush smaller than that. I got lost it thought again, when I suddenly ran into someone.

"Glah!" I yell, falling onto the floor. Oh my god, what the hell was that noise, why did I have to make that noise.... I look up to see who I ran into. "Cheryl?" I ask, "What are you doing here?"

"FP sent me to check up on you and Jughead, I was helping them with the Ghoulies. It didn't go well...." She replies, helping me up off the ground. "Anyways, where's Jughead? Is he up?" She asks as we continue down the hallway.

"Yeah, he's up. I was going to find his room when I got lost in thought." I say, continuing to look at room numbers.

We finally find it, we stand outside of the door, just staring at it. "Do we just walk in?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the door.

"I think you should go in first." Cheryl says, "I'll wait out here." she adds, taking a seat on a bench just outside the door.

"Ok...." I say, finally opening the door and stepping inside the hospital room. And there he is, Jughead Jones. I didn't know what to do, he had noticed me come in but we were just awkwardly staring at each other.

"Hey Y/N." He said, finally breaking the silence.

"H-hey." I say, my voice cracking. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. I tried my best to hold them back, but I couldn't. I walked up to his bed, and sat down next to it, balling my eyes out.

"Y/N, are you ok?" He asks reaching over to grab my hand.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be crying, you're probably in a lot of pain and I'm just crying." I say, wiping the tears from my face.

"Hey, it's fine, I think it's cute." He says, pulling my hand closer to him.

"Wow Jughead, did they knock all the angst out of you or something? Damn." I say laughing and moving my chair closer to his bed.

"I'm not angsty all the time you know." He says sitting up slightly from his laying position.

"Oh sure you aren't." I say jokingly.

"So, umm.. the Ghoulies didn't go to the fight did they?" He asks, seemingly interested.

"From what it sounds like they did, why?" I ask, tilting my head curiously.

"Just wondering." He replies, giving me a little smile.

"They weren't the ones who did this to you were they?" I say, sitting up slightly more than before.

"No no, well, technically yes, but it was part of a deal." He replies, looking away from my eyes.

"What do you mean it was a deal?!" I say, clearly freaking out.

"It's not like I didn't know about it, it was just a harmless deal that would stop you guys from fighting them." He says.

"Harmless?! This doesn't look harmless!" I say while pacing around the room.

"Well it would stop you guys from getting hurt!" He replies.

"Yes, but Jughead, that wasn't your choice to make." I say, walking back towards him.

"Well you didn't get hurt." He says very quietly.

"I didn't get hurt because I couldn't leave you, but maybe we would've won if I did go." I say, leaning up against the wall.

"Won? Y/N you would've been screwed, for all I know you would've ended up in here too." He shoots back at me.

"Well we could've fought together if you didn't pull this." I yell back at him.

"Oh well sorry that I wanted to protect my girlfriend. I guess next time I'll do something else to show how much I love you." He says, freezing after that last sentence leaves his mouth.

I swing around, staring at him in complete shock. My jaw hanging down and my eyes widened. "How much you what?" I ask, stepping towards him.

"I- it just kinda... uhh.. slipped out....." He said, avoiding eye contact by staring at the floor.

I walked over and sat on the bed next to him, facing towards him. I pulled him into a soft, yet passionate kiss. My arms wrapping around his neck, his arms moving around my waist as he sits up, deepening the kiss even more.

"Wooaahh lovebirds, calm down. We're still in a hospital you know." Cheryl says as she walks into the room.

"Oh, hey Cheryl..." Jughead says as we pull away.

"Jughead." She replies, giving us a slight smirk.

"I'm gonna go find some water." She says, stepping back towards the door.

"Beware, the beds are probably squeaky in hospitals." She says, shooting us a wink before she heads out the door.

We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"I'm gonna go find your dad." I say, getting up, finally breaking the silence.

"Ok, I'll see you later then?" He asks.

"Sounds good," I reply walking towards the door. "Oh, and Jughead. I love you too dork." I say, closing the door behind me.

Yaaayyyy, this one was short but I kinda liked it, idk, they all kinda suck lol. Hope you guys at least enjoyed it.

Word count: 1158

Jughead Jones ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang