I'm so stupid, why did I even do that? She obviously doesn't like me, but why did she kiss me back then? She made me so confused but my need for her just grew. I need her for myself, she's so addictive.

I look down and saw my member standing erect poking through my trousers, "sorry lil man, no action for you tonight" I said as I went into the bathroom for a cold shower.

Daphne's POV:

The bed was so comfy and I had a goodnight sleep, I woke up a little later than I normally did because I knew that the office was much closer now. My mind flickered to the happenings of the previous night, I touched my lips as I remembered the feeling of his lips on mine. We felt good together, the way my body melted in his like I was made to be his.

I took a shower in bathroom that looked bigger than my whole room altogether, after my shower I sat in front of my vanity mirror when something caught my eyes on my neck. It was a purplish-red mark -a hickey, he gave me a hickey, I applied some concealer to cover it up and wore a collared shirt.

I went downstairs and tried to fix his coffee for him and a little something for myself too, there was still enough time so I fried some eggs and made some toast, I ate mine and waited for him to come down so he'd eat his before we left for the office.

Immediately I heard him come down the stairs, I began to feel nervous, it's really gonna be awkward between us. "Good morning Miss Rivers" He said as he brushed pass me. "Oh so he's calling me Miss Rivers now after last night" I thought to myself, "you pushed him away dumbhead, what do you expect?" My subconscious poked me.

He ate just a tiny bit of his breakfast and we left for work. During the ride in the car, no one said anything. You could literally feel the tension between the both of us, it was a very uncomfortable silence. I thanked my stars when we got to the office, "at least we won't have to stay together in a confined space" I thought.

We walked into the office together, Tessa stood up to greet him while she frowned her face at me as if to ask what's going on. "I'll tell you at lunch" I mouthed at her. She nodded and smiled at me.

The morning went by smoothly, we had little or no contact so there was no problem between us or any more reason to be near each other.

My lunch time came and I went downstairs to get Tessa so we could go for lunch together. We walked to the lunch room and ordered our food before settling down to eat. "Tell me everything" she beamed, "well there isn't much to tell" I smiled at her. "I was late to work so he ordered me, emphasis on the "ordered" to stay in his apartment close by for the meantime" I explained to her. "Wait a minute, does he stay there with you?" She asked, "yes he does" I replied her. "Okay just make sure you're safe and if you ever feel uncomfortable, my house is open to you" she said as she tapped my back, "yes I know that, Thanks Tessa" I smiled. I was grateful she didn't notice the hickey because I didn't even have the strength to explain it yet.

"Where's Jason?" I asked, I haven't seen him all day which is very strange. "Uhmm, he said he was on his annual leave, I don't know why so suddenly." She replied. "Is it because of me?" I asked aloud, "hmm, what happened between you guys," she asked. I informed her of everything that happened the night of the event, "maybe he felt bad" she said.

After lunch was over, Tessa walked me to the elevator and as the elevator door was appoint to close I heard her say "I saw your hickey daph, just tell me when you're ready okay" she smiled and turned around.

"Phew" I sighed, that was super awkward. I sat in my office and started working on some files when I heard him call me through the intercom. "Miss Rivers, my office now" He said in a very businesslike tone, "Does this man not remember everything that happened yesterday?" I thought as I walked to his office.

I knocked and went into his office, "Sit" He said. "There's a meeting with an investor in Paris on Friday, so I need you to get ready on Thursday morning because you'll be accompanying me there and also book two rooms in a hotel where we'll be staying till Sunday" He said still in his businesslike tone, I bent my head down and was writing in my notepad when I heard him call my name.

"Daphne" He said in a calmer tone and I looked up at his face, his eyes held emotions I couldn't decipher. "I'd be moving to my other apartment today so a repeat of yesterday would not occur, Are you okay with that?" He asked. I looked at his face, his mouth said one thing but the rest of his body said a different thing. "No sir, I should be the one to move" I protested, "You would do no such thing, okay?" He said. I just nodded and stood up to leave his office.

He left the office a lot earlier to get his stuff from the penthouse but he left me a key card on his way out. I didn't want him to leave, infact I needed him to stay with me, but there was nothing I could do about it.

End of chapter 💘
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