Chapter 2

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* Monique *

Uggh, so much for me planning on using the fact, that he might not remember who I was, to my advantage. A flare of pain and sorrow bubbled up in me. When Aaron said my name, I gave him a small smirk and said, trying to hold back sudden tears, "Ah, so you finally remembered huh? Took you long enough to do so."

Aaron stared blankly at me as he stuttered, "I- it can't be true. Y-you can't be her. You don't look like her at all. I mean, you're super hot and the Monique I knew was..." With a growl, I cut him off; I didn't want to hear those words come out of his mouth. It already hurt to hear it from him once, I didn't need to hear it again.

"Was fat and ugly?" I spat at him, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Well, guess what? People change and thank god I did." Turning around, I faced the door, hoping to get my temper under control. Hot tears pricked the back of my eyes as I desperately tried to hold them at bay. The room had gone silent, but I didn't care.

Why was I crying? For heaven's sake, I didn't even cry when Andrew broke up with me. Heck, I haven't cried since he broke up with me. So why was I crying now? Why did Aaron Demetry, of all people have to break down the dam that I've built around me? I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head slightly to see whom it was.

Jeremy was looking at me with concern shinning in his eyes and he said quietly so only I could hear, "Steady Monii. Everything is going to be okay. Take a deep breath and let's get out of here." Looking at him with wide eyes, I shook my head and swallowed thickly.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay. I haven't cried since I broke up with him." I didn't say Andrew's name, for I knew I didn't have to. "Also, I won't have him breaking me down. Besides, I have something else I need to say to him." I jerked my chin towards Aaron who was still standing rooted to the ground, staring at me. Though even when I said it, my chin wobbled a little and my voice shook a bit. Turning back to him, I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders a little.

"Hey, remember those words I said to you, before I left?" I asked in a surprisingly steady voice, my silver eyes staring directly into Aaron's golden ones. I knew he remembered when he suddenly turned pale. "Good," I continued, without blinking, "For I'm going to make sure you're going to take them back and beg me for forgiveness." With that, I stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind me.

I could hear muffled arguing within the house before the door was pulled open again and footsteps were heard from behind me. Not pausing to see who it was, I continued to walk towards my car, until someone stopped me and tugged my keys out of my hand. Twirling around, I saw not to my surprise, Jeremy standing next to me.

"Come on." He murmured, "We're going on a little trip." Then without talking, he briskly walked over to my car and pulled open the passenger door and held it out to me. Silently, with out a word, I obediently did what he said to do.

As we drove down the road, I turned to him and asked, "So where are we going to go?"

Jeremy said with a sigh, "I'm going to take you first home to your apartment, so you can go hug your dad at work. You've only just gotten off the plane. You are in no shape whatsoever to be working. Yet, you've insisted anyways. Well, that's not going to happen on my watch. Also, afterwards we going to go your mom's studio and say hello to her as well. Then if you're feeling better we can talk about work."

Hearing my cousin's plan for me, I grinned at Jer and said, "What would I have done without you?" I was really lucky that I had such a caring cousin as him. Hearing my question, he rolled his eyes at me.

"You've probably just sat in your car and balled your eyes out." Jer teased, giving me a smug smile. I opened my mouth to argue, but I found that I couldn't. It was true, knowing me, once my waterworks started; I wouldn't have been able to control it. I would've have done just that.

A.N.Gell, D.E.Mon & MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora