Chapter 9

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* Monique *

I still couldn't believe I was that close to be found out! Thank god Miles and Jer were such quick thinkers as well as fast movers. Not wanting to risk it anymore than I have to, I decided not to go anywhere near the backstage.

I sat in an empty room during the whole concert. Moping silently, I didn't really feel like watching any of the performances. All I wanted to do was to be alone. However since this was a major event, all of the rooms had TV's broadcasting it, allowing me to watch it, if I choose to. Watching snippets of it, I felt that everyone did a fabulous job.

As the concert drew to a close, I looked down at my watch. It was nearly 7. Figuring that I should probably start packing up before the guys showed up, I got up from my seat, moving towards the door. But before I reached it, the door however few open without warning. Alarmed, I jumped back to avoid being hit by it.

Looking at who it was that was standing in the doorway, my heart stopped before going again, at a faster rate. I found myself face to face with the person I had wished to avoid the whole afternoon. How did he find me? Did someone tell him that I was in here?

"Andrew..." I whispered, dropping my gaze and backed up a few steps to leave more room between us. Suddenly the room felt like it had shrunken in size, suffocating me within its walls. My throat became as dray as the Sahara desert. I heard him wordlessly edged forwards, towards me.

Shaking my head, I pleaded as I backed up, "Don't come any closer. Please, just leave me be. I don't want to talk to or see you at the moment." Still saying nothing, Andrew ignored my plea as he continue do to back me up until I was against a wall.

He placed both of his hands on the wall, on either side of my head, preventing me from leaving. Having nowhere to go, I refused to look him in the eye. I trained my own eyes on the ground, staring blurrily at it, through teary eyes. I could hear my blood roaring in my eras as my heart rapidly raced in my chest.

Andrew stared silently down at me for a few minutes before saying, "Monii..." Tingling feeling raced down my spine as I listened to his baritone voice. A whimper flowed out of my mouth. It wasn't fair that he still had this kind of effect on me.

Willing myself not to give in, I continued to stare at the ground. I heard him sigh a little and then felt warm hands underneath my chin, as my head was tilted up to meet his silver eyes. I struggled to turn my head away, but the grip on my chin tightened a fraction.

"Don't struggle, please. Just look at me Monii. I want to see those beautiful silver eyes of yours." Andrew whispered softly into my ear as I defiantly closed my eyes. "Please." He pleaded once more.

At that one syllable, my resolve cracked and my eyes flickered open. I met his eyes squarely as a tear slid down my face. "How did you find me?" I croaked.

Reaching out, he gently rubbed the tear away as he softly explained, "I talked to Jeremy earlier and recognized the clothing that the A.N.Jells were wearing as your making. I also went around and asked the attendees outside, if they knew where you were."

"Why are you here?" I said, feeling a sob coming up. My body quaked as I tired to suppose the feeling to cry. His closeness was too much for me to handle.

Andrew chuckled sadly and murmured soothingly, "Don't cry Monii. I wanted to apologize for everything I've done to hurt you, the past months. I didn't mean to, you ought to know that." His hand, rubbed gently against my back as he hugged me.

Anger and pain flooded thought me, at the moment and I roughly pushed him away. Bewildered, he allowed me to do so. Tears fell freely as I snapped, "Well, fuck you. It's too late to apologize to me Andrew. We've broken up and it's over between us. Don't you remember why you broke up with me? You broke up with me to get engaged to Angelia Truman!"

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