Chapter 5

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* Monique *

Blinking groggily as bright streams of sunlight flooded into the room, I took on look at the unfamiliar surroundings and then screamed bloody murder.

I quickly heard footsteps moving towards me from outside and just as the door opened, I dived headfirst back into my blankets. A concerned voice called out my name and I cautiously pulled my head out from under the covers.

Seeing three familiar faces, I relaxed ever so slightly, but winced when my headache returned with vengeance. "Am I at your house, Jer?" I asked creakily.

"Yeah, the others brought you up here." Jer muttered icily before turning around and going back into his room. Perplex as well as a little hurt by his actions and words, I turned to give Cal and War a confused look.

War gave me a warms smile, so unlike Jer's cold stare and said, "Don't worry about him. Aaron was like this, this morning as well. I'm surprised that you got Jer to talk to you. He wouldn't say a word to either me or Cal."

"This morning?" I repeated, "Cal, what time is it right now?" I made the mistake of swinging my feet off the bed too fast. Stumbling, Calvin caught me and held me up. "Thanks" I mused.

"No problem." He said chirpily, making me wince again. Noticing my reaction to his voice, he muttered embarrassed, "Sorry about that. As for your question, it's nearly noon."

My mouth fell open in shock, "N-noon? Bloody hell, what happened? I don't normally sleep for that long." I asked sitting back down on the bed with a heave thump. The thumping in my head grew gradually worse.

"You don't remember?" Cal asked with a quirk of his lips, like he was amused about something. I turned my head around and gave him a frown. I wasn't amused.

"Well, obviously." I muttered, "If I remembered, I wouldn't be asking you now, would I? I think I remember bits and pieces of it, but it's all mostly hazy." With a grown, I flopped back down and placed my pillow over my head. The room was getting way too bright for me.

"I'll go get and get you some aspirin. Don't move." War mused, going out the door.

"Like I can." I moaned, after giving him an unladylike grunt in response. The room grew quiet, leaving me a few minutes of blissful silence. Then Cal decided to break it by talking. I groaned and threw my pillow at him. I guess I was still rather inhibited, for it totally missed him by a mile.

Calvin chuckled and continued to talk. "You know Monii, you are rather amusing when you are drunk. Rather obedient, but touchy feely as well. I had to basically pry you off of me last night."

Hearing that, I blushed darkly and let out another groan and asked, "Dear god, tell me I didn't do anything stupid?" I looked up at the blond hesitantly, waiting for the answer.

Thankfully he shook his head and said, "No worries. When War and I got you up here, you were slightly clingy, but you didn't you anything. In fact you passed out as soon as you hit the bed. That's why I had to pry you off. You have an incredibly strong grip for someone so small."

I nodded my head, but that was another mistake on my part. Luckily War came back in, followed by Aaron, who just stopped by the door. He peered in at me with a vaguely concerned look on his face. By instinct, I grabbed my other pillow and held it defensibly against my chest, covering it.

Aaron rolled his eyes at my reaction and said, "Lenora called and asked me to tell you to call her back when you are ready to do so. Oh and we also saved you breakfast, but though it might be actually closer to lunch for you, by now." He made to turn away, but turned back and added with a smirk, "Nice top, by the way. Sexy." Winking, he turned and left the room, leaving me red and fuming with humiliation.

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