Chapter 4

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* Monique *

As I stepped out of the room, I didn't know where I was heading as I followed my feet. I soon found myself on the roof garden. Looking down at the people and palm trees down below, I tried to recollect my scattered thoughts.

Hearing footsteps coming to a stop beside me, I turned and asked forlornly, "Did I make the right choice? Also did I make the right choice in coming back home?"

Jer let ought a deep sigh as he reached out and squeezed my shoulders. "That's probably a question even I can't answer for you. You're just going to have to figure that one out for yourself." I let out a soft groan at his answer and slumped over onto the railing.

"Hey, that's not a total bad thing." Jer exclaimed cheerfully, I looked over at him doubtfully. "Think about it." He continued, ignoring my look, "You can think of it like a challenge. You either can prove it to be the right choice, or the wrong choice."

A sad chuckle bubbled up from my throat as I shook my head at my cousin. "Only you would think that way. Always the optimist, huh Jer?" A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

Grinning back at me, Jer gave me a wink and said, "You know me too well, Monii. Come, I think it's time to eat something sweet and visit that person now."

"Okay," I agreed without hesitating. I looked down at the scenery one last time before following Jer back down the stairs to the lobby. As I walked down those steps, I resolved to use this opportunity to the fullest and get all I can out of it. I wouldn't let such a small think beat me down.

"Let's do this!" I heard myself say out loud.

"That's the spirit." Jer said approvingly as we stepped into an elevator to take us the rest of the way down to the lobby. He reached out and ruffled my hair with a snicker as I let out a whine.

"How many times do I have to say not to do that, Jer? I'm not a kid anymore." I muttered reaching up to try and fix the damage that he had done, which thankfully wasn't a lot.

Jer smirked as he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sorry Monii, you're forever a kid in my eyes." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a 10-dollar bill to tip the bellhop as he pulled my car up to us, once we stepped outside.

I rolled my eyes as I slipped into my seat. "Please Jer, you're only a few years older than me. Plus, I think you're more immature that me." I teased softly, punching Jer on the shoulder as he slid in next to me.

"So they all say." Jer murmured in mock sadness before joining me in laughing. Pulling down the road, we continued to laugh and joke around. About 15 minutes later, we came to a stop in front of a crowed bakery. I got out of the car, expecting my cousin to follow me.

When Jer didn't, I turned around to face him, in confusion. He shook his head as he said, "Go on without me. I've been here plenty of times anyways. Have fun and where you're done, call me to pick you up. Okay?"

"Sure thing," I promised with a nod of my head, "Want me to bring back anything for you and the guys?"

"Anything is good." Jer called over his shoulder as he drove off. "Ciao!" Shaking my head, I waved goodbye before turning towards the front entrance. A smile spread on my face as I walked to it and pulled the door open.

I spotted Lena at the cash register, talking to a customer. Waiting patiently for my turn, I looked around the store. The decorations were all so lovely and inviting. When t was my turn, I grinned and said, "Howdy stranger, what would you recommend for someone who's having a bad day?"

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