A Normal Day

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Slowly waking up I was quickly made of aware of the heat behind me and the huge rumble that came from my stomach. Opening my eyes slightly I glance behind me to see Mourning fast asleep, leaning back against the couch. Slowly getting out of his hold I was slightly surprised to see his eyes were already open and that he was watching me, blushing softly I scratch my cheek nervously before I stretch again to get the aching out of my muscles.

Amari: Did you just stay there the whole time I slept just so not to wake me?

I head to the kitchen as I see him nod his head before I listen as gets up following me. Grabbing the eggs and bacon from the fridge, i quickly set to work making our huge breakfast and through the whole process, i could feel Mournings piecing eyes on my back, watching every move i made.

Amari: Sooo im guessing your either hungry and staring at the food im making or you have something on your mind and u wish to talk about it but ur too scared to do so?

The loud angry growl that came from Mourning was frightening, quickly i realized what i had done...I had just insulted his honour by calling him scared to talk to me. Quickly turning around i could see the annoyance in his eyes, putting the fork that was in my hand down, i walk over to him grabbing his hand gently before i looking him in the eyes.

Amari: You know i didn't mean it like that, that and i was teasing you. I would never, ever say something against your honour and you should know that.

I could see the surprise in his eyes as i watched his tusks click together once. Letting his hand go i quickly start plating out our food before i look to him smirking as i think on a way to apologizes.

Amari: How about after breakfast and my bath, we go tracker hunting with the pups.

The look on his face was priceless, it was both shock and curiosity before it suddenly morphed into his normal look.

Mourning: What is this tracker hunting?

Amari: Tracker hunting is a way to teach young hunters or pups how to track down prey they have yet to see or lost. I thought since i need to catch up on my skills and the pups need to learn how to hunt that we could go tracker hunting. It's also a good way to claim the best hunting spots in the valley...

Mourning: Little blade why would u need to claim hunting grounds?

Amari: For the hunter festival, its where two hunters go against each other to see how many creatures they can hunt and kill but there is catch the creature must have hardly any damage done to it so the kill must be a one shot kill otherwise u get ur hunter badge stripped from you.

Mourning: And this hunter badge?

Amari: Ok picture this, the village down the mountain is like the clan i belong to. Everyone knows everyone and everything that goes on inside the village, we are all one big family. There is a hunter group inside the village that only hunts for the village since not many like the sight of blood. I am apart of that hunter group, we have rules and codes we each stand by, such as for me i will never kill a pregnant deer or young deer or young stag. All the meats we have been eating were old stags and deer. Now if someone were to break just one code or rule then they have their hunter badge taking from them, they can redeem themselves but only once if they do it again then they and the rest of the bloodline are forsaken from been in the hunter group.

Mourning: What you speak of reminds of the codes we taught when we are still a Youngblood learning.

I smile to him as i start to finish my breakfast, i was excited to go hunting with Mourning, another expert hunter. Throwing my plate into the sink i run upstairs before i head into the bathroom to take a shower. Once all clean and dry i quickly get dressed before i grab my bow and quiver, stopping for a moment i take a few deep breaths to calm my self before i walk down the stairs looking around for Mourning.

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