My frustration peaked so I excused myself to the bathroom. After making sure the coast was clear, I locked the door and took out a little straw doll.

Gently I stroked its face muttering a few sweet words before throwing it harshly on the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that to you." I muttered to myself as I picked it up from the floor and dusted the dirt off. "Are you alri- GHT?" I threw it back down stomping on it a few times. "W-what's wrong with me? I'm sorry." I reached down with a shaky hand. "Oh no look at you you're all dirty." I said as I turned the tap on sticking the doll's face under the running water.

The door suddenly slammed open and I was met with an all too familiar scene as Luther stood there with a barely hidden smile. My muscle memory seemed to have kicked in and I dropped the doll to the ground, kicking it roughly so it slid under the bathroom stalls.

What the hell is going on? No way right? How in the hell did he know I was doing voodoo again? Wait, how did he know I was in this restaurant? I thought you guys said you were on vacation, you dirty cheats. I should've ignored them, Luther won't let me go twice.

"Kristoffer?" He chuckled as he retrieved the doll and read the slightly wet slip of paper.

"Yes, see it wasn't what you thought at all. You see I no longer feel the need to curse you because I realised the biggest obstacle in my life isn't you but Kristoffer." I mumbled as I back away into the hallway.

"Hmm, that feels lonely." He gave a hurt look as if it genuinely pained him that I wasn't stomping on his doll.

"Y-you I can't believe you were hiding such a disgusting side. It's not right, all this time I thought you were killing people for your sadistic needs but, but you're actually a m-masochist?" I stuttered whilst pointing my finger at him with barely held back disgust.

"Do you want to find out?" He whispered seductively, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Ye-no." I exclaimed, shaking my head profusely and turning to run only to encounter a sea of suited men.

"Are you sure you don't want to?" Luther's hands wrapped around my chin turning my face towards him as he whispered in my ear.

"Y-y-yes." I stomped on his foot causing his grip to loosen and just as I was about to try to push through the crowd I heard an ominous laughter, freezing me and the guards in our places. Once I finally unfroze myself I pushed through the guards who were still to regain consciousness causing a scuffle to break out.

"Everyone move." Luther commanded and I could hear the familiar rustle of his gun leaving its holster.

If he kills me now, I'm as good as dead. It takes around 20 minutes to regain consciousness, enough time to get dragged back to confinement.

"Autumn, what's wrong?"Samuel called out as I rushed past our table and out the restaurant.

"Mother I'm sorry for going against your teachings but your daughter has to survive somehow." I flying kicked Ben in the stomach sending him hurtling backwards and out of the way of the front door. "Why'd you have to ruin our touching reunion?" I screamed towards the dying Ben and shocked Alec as I sped up and ran down the street, turning randomly at corners to throw them off my scent. "Don't be around the corner, don't be around the corner, dontbearoundthecorner. Ah!" I screamed as I was suddenly blocked by that blonde haired bastard.

Please spare me, Villain!Where stories live. Discover now