Me: Believe me, I alreayjgbsjdfg- "Ivanna no. You can't touch the keyboard." I said with a laugh as I moved her back over to the phone.

Me: Sorry about that, my lil' girl got to the keyboard. But I already know about all that. We killed Big Red and Rico, how the hell is shit still poppin' up?

Romeo: Big Red knew a lot of niggas. You'd be surprised how much information was passed through my shop. He stopped coming by about a year ago so I don't know much about what's goin' on now. He was proud when he took down IRG in Houston, he was saving IRG in Oakland for last but that backfired when AJ was involved in his black gang and headed back to Oakland earlier than he needed to. So things got out of hand up in Detroit, and then came back here but not all of 'em- Nigga it's a damn mess.

Me: Leave it to AJ to fuck up Big Red's originial plans. Well he back in Detroit anyways

Romeo: How you know Big Red ain't done for?

Me: His signature is bombing buildings. Arlie and Ginot were at a trap and a bomb went off. Coincidence or nahh?

Romeo: You know best my nigga. All I'ma say is this, now I may not be in a gang but I know this; think about when Big Red really came into the picture, time-wise. For example, when my first wife became distant it was because of that new salad bar opening up and that one french nigga was there. It's also all about timing Lexis

Me: I'll keep that in mind. I peeped how you said first wife

Romeo: I would be on my fifth right now but all these females are gold diggers and just want to get their weaves done for free by your boy

Me: Thing 2.5?

Romeo: That one. My Jr. comes complainin' to me all the time about the females who go to the shop just to look at your boy. I just laugh my ass off. Your boy stole the female my Jr. was tryna get and I swear I was laughing for about a week straight

Me: Wait a second

MrOohThemInches: Why am I in this chat?

Me: Who's the female you stole at the shop and what the fuck is with that name

MrOohThemInches: I stole? OMG my Vonnie-Pooh, xD Romeo, your sons game is so fucking weak, I basically just called Yvonne's name and she was all for me. Nah but your son is a certifed asshole. He fucked up my work schedule. Lexis this name is too true.

Romeo: Ctfuuuuu, Nigga. I'll have your schedule fixed

MrOohThemInches: Somone bring Romeo's ass into the chat. I wanna talk shit to him

Me: Breezy, you're literally at work with him

MrOohThemInches: MrOohThemInches* So? He upstairs in the chill room and I'm at my station

Me: I'm done, I got shit to do

MrOoThemInches: Is Nelle one? 'Cause we all know she got your ass taaaaamed

Romeo: Bruh... Lexis really?

Me: Shut up. Nelle ain't even down here and she got a cold

MrOohThemInches: See if it was Vonnie-Pooh who was sick, my medicine would cure her right quick

Me: I like the fact I don't rupture Nelle's cervix

MrOohThemInches: Listen here Pops. I may be MrOohThemInches, but I'm a gentle nigga. Therefore your assumption is false like how Nelle's pregnancy tests should be

Redemptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें