³ cooking with bakugou

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( y/n's pov )

"hey, bakugou."

"what do you want?"

"wanna have lunch together?" you asked and he rolled his eyes at you.

"fuck off."

"no thanks. but really, c'mon! let's have lunch together. you won't regret it i promise!"

he looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed before scoffing. "tch, fine."

once you two were at the cafeteria, you opened the bento you brought as bakugou sat in front of you. you thanked for the food and start to eat it but...

you coughed, "dammit."

"the fuck is wrong with you?"

"i was cooking my own lunch earlier, i may or may not have added too much pepper..." you looked at him with a sheepish smile.

he rolled his eyes, grabbing your bento and examining it. "moron. maybe next time try asking for help before you cook your own food."

"but i don't know who can help me..." he looked you with a straight face as you smiled teasingly. "maybe you can?"


"whatever means yes."

"but that doesn't mean i wanna help you!"

you snatched your bento from him and looked at it. "how can i eat now?"

"tch. i'll just share my food with you or else you'll starve." he pushed his own bento towards you and your eyes widened.

"wait really—"

"go eat before i change my mind, shitty woman."

‧   ୨୧   ‧

you woke up early before the other students did so you could ask bakugou to help you in making your lunch. you brushed your teeth before heading to bakugou's room and knocked on his door loudly.

"what the hell do you want?"

"damn, you're so grumpy in the morning."

"well, you fucking woke me up with that knocking of yours."

"you know what? you're stupid and constipated. i like that in a man."

he opened the door almost suddenly, making you flinch. "the hell did you just say?!"

"shh, our classmates are still sleeping." you see his angry eyes looking down to you as you stifled your laugh. you noticed he was wearing his black tank top, damn...— wait what?

"what do you want, shithead?" he asked, leaning against the door frame.

"please help me cook my lunch for today!"

"early in the morning and you're already pissing me off. tch." he went inside his room but didn't close the door. "wait for me at the common room, i'll just brush my teeth."

"i'll wait for you here." you said and you heard him mumble a 'whatever'. after a few minutes he walked out of his room, and you two went to the kitchen at the common area. it was quiet since you two were the only ones who are still awake this early in the morning.

"you could just buy your own food at the cafeteria, why do you wanna cook your own lunch?" bakugou asked as he grabbed a rice pot.

"i just wanted to learn so i can cook for myself." you said, sitting on top of the counter. you watched as he filled up the rice pot with raw rice and water.

"well sorry to break it to you but you fucking suck at cooking."

"hey! i only added too much pepper yesterday," you defended. "meanie."

"whatever. what do you want to cook anyway?" he asked and you shrugged.

"i don't know. omurice?"

he didn't say anything and grabbed the chopping board and a knife. "could you get an onion?"

you got an onion from a container, and looked at him. "can i—"


"aw, why not?"

he snatched the onion from you as he glared at you. "because i know you'll fuck it up, dumbass."


after 30 minutes of cooking (and constant bickering), the omurice was finally done.

"it was all you who cooked the omurice!"

"oi, be grateful i cooked it for you." he ran his hand through his hair. when he saw you pouting, he ruffled your hair. "tch. i'll help you cook tomorrow. stop sulking, you look ugly." then he walked away, leaving you stunned.

'was that a compliment or...?'

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