"Of course. Start them while they're young. Ruby was basically attached to my hip and it made it harder for when she had to go to school. I'll call you if I need anything but I think it will go smoothly today. Right Allie?"

The baby smiled and made her little noises while grasping a toy that was set out for her. Sam sit next to her on the couch a grabbed another toy.

"Thank you Sam. I appreciate this and I'll be in to check on her every so often" I smile. I say my good byes and head to my office. I wanted nothing more than to go back and hold her but I knew I had a lot of work to do.

Soon I got a text from Kara.

Darling 💙: Good morning. I love you and miss you!

Me 💚: Good morning darling. I love you too. Allie and I will meet you for lunch?

Darling 💙: Absolutely! Cant wait to see my two loves ❤

I smiled at my phone before setting it aside and getting to my paperwork.

Sam's POV

The morning was going by well and Allie was just a sweetheart. I was holding her in my arms tickling her tummy when a knock sounded on my door.

"Come in!" I called. I turned my attention back to Allie and she giggled at me pretending to eat her fingers.

I turned to see who it was and realized it was Alex. I blushed immediately but smiled at her.

"Hi Alex. What can I do for you?" She seemed to be in a daze for a moment before she blinked and shook her head.

"Just visiting. Kara told me you were watching Allie today and thought I would say hello" she says. She walks in and comes over to us. I hand the baby off to her and notice her DEO badge. It was pinned to the chest of her black tactical suit and god I loved that suit. After our eventful night at her apartment we had a heart to heart where she explained everything to me that morning. I didnt want anyone else to see it and didnt want the edges to hurt the baby so I came closer. Alex froze and looked to me.

"Your badge" I whispered. She looked down and I removed it and put it in her pocket.

"Thank you. I dont know how I forgot about that" she chuckles nervously.

"It happens" I shrug. Alex continues to play with Allie and tickles her stomach. The sight of them together melts my heart and I cant help but think that Alex would make an amazing mom.

I suddenly realize I've been staring and turn away.

"I should probably be heading to work. Theres a game night on Wedbesday if you're interested in coming?" Alex says. I grab Allie and our hands briefly touch.

"I'd love to. Ruby has been dying to meet you" I smile.

"I'd love to meet her. Formally I mean. I think I've seen her a few times but it's always been in uniform" Alex laughs. I laugh and look at her fondly.

"Bye Alex" I say softly.

"Bye Sam" I watch her leave and close the door behind her. I look back to the baby in my arms as she smiles at me.

"Your aunt is a thief. Shes stolen my heart you know that?" I smile at her. I kiss her cheek and set her down on the couch to play some more.

Kara's POV

After a long day at work I came home to see Lena and Allie asleep on the couch. It was rare that I came home later than Lena but I loved coming home to this. I sat down next them and turned sideways. I pulled Lena in between my legs and Allie was laying on her chest. Lena's arms were wrapped protectively around her and I put my hands on her little back. I tilted towards the back on the couch so no one rolled off and closed my eyes.


I knew this place. Not just from my past but from a dream. This was a dream. The sight of Krypton made my eyes water and I realized that Lena stood next to me carrying Allie. I reached out to her and caressed her cheek. She leaned into my hand and we started to walk. I gradually started to the see the city I was born in and my heart raced. I was home.

I saw my mother with a smile on her face and I ran to hug her. It felt so good to feel her hug me again. I turned around and gestured for Lena to come closer. She smiled nervously and my mother tightened her hold on me. I looked at her confused and saw her eyes glaring at my wife.

"A Luthor" was all she said before she was dragging me away. I reached out to my wife and child and heard their cries.

"Mother! No! Let them come! They're my family!" I screamed.

"Shes a Luthor Kara. Luthors are only bad and seek to kill us" she responds. She sounds almost robotic and I struggle against her.

She finally stops and spins me to face her.

"You must search for us Kara. Search for your real family" she says. I feel torn. I want more than anything to have my mother back but I will never give up Lena and Allie. I wont ever give up on my family.

"They are my family" I whisper.

The next thing I know I wake up and Lena and my baby are still asleep on me. I tighten my hold on them and close my eyes. I looked down at their sleeping forms and knew what I had to do. I gently extracted myself from underneath them and put a light blanket over them. I kissed both of their heads and prayed I didnt wake them. I changed into my Supergirl outfit and went to the window. I looked back at them once more and a tear escaped my eye. I then took off into the still dark sky and headed for the Fortress of Solitude.

The dreams are back! Honestly it's been hellish so I havent been able to wrote as much so sorry for the very slow updates! Alex and Sam are starting to grow on me so I'll be adding them in a bit more. Hope you like where this is going!

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