I cut the call without another word because I didn't want to hear anything that would contradict her last sentence.


"No! No! No! No!. I stared widely at the testing stick which had two very clear pink ticks indicating that I was indeed pregnant. I sat there pondering over my predicament. What am I really going to do? Should I abort without letting Eddy know? What will I tell her?

"You can just tell her that it was a minor food poisoning."a voice inside my head said.

No, I have never lied to her before. Even if I do she will find out anyway. She knows me like an open book.

"So what are you going to do? You will lose your rights to fulfill your dreams if you keep this child." The same voice asked, pushing me for an answer.

"Enough! I am not a murderer. No matter how much I yearn to fulfill my dreams I can not do that at the expense of a human life. It is not his fault that I am carrying him. It's not the fault of his dad either. It's all my fault. I am stupid and will always be."

I placed my face in my palms weeping bitterly at how much saying the truth hurts. And as if she had timed me, Edna's name flashed on my laptop indicating a video call. I contemplated on answering it or not.

I clicked on the reject button but typical of Edna, she called right back again. Wiping the tears, I answered knowing that she won't give up until she speaks to me.

"Finally she decided to pick up her calls."

"Whatever. What do you want?"

"I have been dying to talk to you.How did it go? was it what we thought it was?"she asked, ignoring my mood.

"Sadly yes." I replied, releasing the tears that were stinging my eyes.

"Awww, don't cry baby boo. I told you earlier that it is a blessing in disguise and one day you will understand and thank me for this."

"How am I going to do this Eddy. How am I supposed to be a single mum when I have no job what so ever."

"We are going to go through this together. Nate and I will always be there for you if no one will. Besides we can learn together. Remember, I'm also a new mum to be. Now dry those tears , get a good shower and relax. I will check up on you later and please don't do anything stupid.

I nodded feeling the need to have a quiet time to myself.

I climbed into the bath running a very cold shower to keep me relaxed. Surprisingly cold showers do it for me rather than warm baths. And at this moment, I needed it badly because I was running temperatures as a result of me being anxious and over thinking.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in the bath until I heard my phone ringing. I stretched my hand reaching for it thinking I was in bed. I carefully dried myself not in a hurry anymore to answer my phone. Whoever it is if it's important will call again or will have to wait for me to call back. I wrapped my hair in a clean towel then picked up another to dry my body.The shower did relax me and that little nap was all that I needed. I felt refreshed and healthy but that didn't take away my problems:I was still pregnant and confused.

I walked into my room just when my phone started ringing again.


"Hi girl, how are you doing?"

"Can I complain?"

"Okay been trying to reach you for awhile. We had a few changes of plans. We are doing the wedding rehearsal today. Actually in an hour so I'm coming over to pick you up."

"What! wait wait wait. I'm sorry Ally, I thought that was next week?"

"Yeah it was but the wedding is in less than two weeks and there are lot of stuffs to be done. We want this to be perfect so we are starting the rehearsal today."

"But I'm in no mood for that."

"I know it's so sudden but please for my sake."

"I don't know Ally. I'm really ain't well but it's okay."

"Great! I'm at your door."

"What! That soon. But I just got out of the bath."

"Shut up and open the door girl" she commanded in a sassy tone

I opened the door hoping she was pranking me.

But unfortunately she indeed stood there with brown paper carriers in her hands.

"I knew you would be hungry so I brought food."

"That's so thoughtful of you. I'm dying."

"Girl is it me or you are indeed putting on weight. What have you been eating?" She asked, setting the food on the table.

"I-i-i don't know but what I know is that, food is sweet and I need to dig in this food right now if I don't want to die."

"If you say so, bon appétit."

I was surprised at how I was naturally acting cool. Even though there was a chaos going on within me, outwardly everything seem fine, only my body threatening to betray me.

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