Chapter 2: The Morning After

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l wake up to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore. The winding is howling, it's breezy outside. 

I reluctantly open my eyes and realize my head is on JJ's chest and my arm is curled around his waist, so basically I'm hugging him. I quickly sit up without caution so l wake JJ up. I scoot away to give us some space between our bodies and sit on the edge of the pull-out bed. 

"Kie? When did you get here?" he asks as he yawns and rubs his eyes. He sits up and turns to face my back so l turn around and face him. He looks so cute in the morning. 

"I got here last night... you don't remember?"

 "Um... sort of. It'll come back to me sooner or later. No worries." he jumps out of bed and walks over to the kitchen. 

"Where are you going?" 


Before he can finish l jump out of bed and run in front of him, blocking him from entering the kitchen. "You are NOT getting day drunk"

 He tries to find a way around me but I'm quick to block him. He groans in frustration "Get out of my way Kie".

 "No. I'm not going to let you do this to yourself" 

"You're NOT my mom"

 "No, but I'm your friend" 

"You know what Kie? John B was also my friend, in fact, he was my best friend, and guess what happened to him? He was framed and then he DIED! He's dead!" JJ turned around and smashed an empty beer bottle "HE'S GONE". 

"Hey, it's gonna be ok-" 


"Stop it. Stop acting like you're the only one hurting. l lost him too and so did Pope"

 "Whatever, get out Kie, and don't act like we're in the same boat because we're not. You have your parents l have NO ONE. John B had it like me, basically all alone, and now he's gone" he punched the wall in frustration.

 "You have me and Pope"

 He looked at me and let out a bitter laugh, "You and Pope. That's funny. Where were you and Pope when l was here for the past month hm? Oh yeah, that's right you were at HOME, with your parents"

 l put my hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes. His eyes. They're full of anger and pain. 

He shrugs my hands off. "I'm not in the mood Kie leave me alone" he walks past me to get a bottle. I take the bottle from his hands and throw it in a random direction to stop him from drinking. "What the hell Kie?" 

"I won't let you do this to yourself, l won't lose you too" my voice wavers and l can feel tears on the ready to start streaming down my face but l do the best to keep them there. l blink a few times and l notice JJ's staring at me, the anger calmed down and he looks worried now, he touches my cheek softly and wipes away a tear l didn't know was there. 

"Hey I'm sorry" he pulls me in for a hug. I get lost in the hug and l start bawling into his chest and l can feel his arms pull me even closer. l feel safe in his arms. Suddenly he starts crying softly on my shoulder. 

I whisper into his ear "We'll be okay JJ, l promise, l got you". He hugs me tighter and l let him cry. I catch myself wishing he would never let go.


We're sitting on the dock when Pope arrives. He comes over and sits next to me, so I'm in the middle of him and JJ. None of us say a word, we're just all staring at the waves, some higher than others, some faster, each wave is different. 

"Do you think they could've made it?" Pope suddenly questions, quietly. 

JJ answers "If anyone could, it would be John B" 

l smile and say  "Maybe they're still alive, washed up on some shore, a new place where they're both happy and free" 

Pope chuckles and JJ replies for both of them "Maybe" 

I settle my head on JJ's shoulder and Pope holds my hand and l say "Promise we're forever" 

l can feel JJ smile "Promise". 

"Promise" Pope echos. 

After a minute of serene silence. JJ clears his throat "Ahem so" He gets up causing all of us to stand up with him "Let's get dinner?" They both look at me without saying a word knowing l understand what they want. l sigh and roll my eyes 

"Alright let's go" 

They both hive five each other in triumph and off we go to my dad's restaurant. 

Suddenly, it's the three of us, laughing and dancing. Taking stupid pictures, eating each other's food. It's the most normal I've felt in a while. As long as l try not to think about the fact that John B's not here with us. 

Pope eventually gets tired of his dad's constant calls and gives in. "Ok, guys I'm gonna head out" 

 "See ya" JJ responds. l wave to Pope as he leaves. 

It's getting late so l get up ready to go and reach my hand out to JJ "come on get up we're going" 

He looks up at me confused. "Going where?" 

"Home, come on you're staying with me and I'm not taking no for an answer. I'm not letting you stay home alone again"

 He takes my hand and gets up "Ok" 

"Alright let's go" 

As we're leaving he smirks "Just can't stay away from me can you Kie? Having second thoughts about rejecting me?" 

l give him a playful shove "Don't flatter yourself. You wish"

 His face stays smug, "mhm whatever you say Kie, whatever you say". 

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