Black Out.

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Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I forget sometimes. You guys should start commenting. Well here's the update hope you enjoy.

"Scott, we really do need to talk." I say as I get off his bike. "We really don't hav-". I cut him off, "yes we do. I need to know If what they're saying is true? Scott I need to know. I really like you. And I think I should know. Now, are you really a... Werewolf?" I ask hesitantly. He didnt say anything at first. "yes." He whispered."what?" "I'm a werewolf.." He said. I was silent, "C-can I see?" I stutter. He waits a minute, then nods. As he changed my eyes widen. He really is a werewolf. I reach my hand out to touch his face, but he stops me by grabbing my hand. I look at his hand then began to hold it. I observed him and nod. He shifts back, "you probably think I'm a freak." He says softly. " No I don't. It doesn't change my feelings toward you Scott" I say with a small smile. He gives one back and he get off his bike. As we walk inside of the house I see Stiles, and Derek are already here. "So what are we going to do?" I asked. "Protect you of course." Stiles says sarcastically. "Stiles" Derek says annoyed. "Yeah" he says. "Shut up" I giggle at how Derek reacts to Stiles. "So I'll be staying here?" I ask. "Yeah" Scott says. "So where?" I ask looking around. "In the guest room upstairs." "Oh ok" I nod. "We put your bags upstairs, if you want you can make yourself at home" Stiles says and I do as so. When I get upstairs to the open room, I begin to unpack. I look around and see a window showing the street. I look out the window and see purple eyes staring back at me from the outside. All of a sudden I space out.


I started to see images, like scenes if a movie. I see me, Derek, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira and a boy we were all standing in a building.. Then there's a pack of.... Werewolves?? We were fighting but I had sharp nails and teeth almost like scott.. Like a werewolf.. I seen Mailia protecting stiles. He was hurt.. "Were coming Jordynn" a women said. "Who are you" I ask. "You'll see" she laughed. "What do you want" I shout. I heard a door close but I didn't see a door anywhere just a white room. I felt a gust if wind hit me and I band to get cold. "Jordynn!?" I heard scott call out. "Scott!!" I called back. But I guess he couldn't hear me bc he kept Calling my name. I felt a burning sensation on my arm and upper leg. I looked down to see I was bleeding. I panicked and shouted for scott. "Help me! Scott!! Scott!?" I cried out. I stated banging on the white walls. "Someone please!" Then everything went black.


I watched Jordynn walk up the stair as I thought of what she said outside. "Scott" Derek called. "Uhh Yeah.. You need to deal with Liam... What did you,say to him when you met up with him today?" Derek asked. "I uhh" I stuttered itching the back of my neck. And Stiles just laughed. "He said that they were brothers" Stiles laughed refering to me. "No you didn't" Derek said in disbelief. He knew I was quoting him. "The bite is a gift" Stiles and Derek said in unison. They laughed for a bit. I heard Jordynn say something but I couldn't hear exactly. Then we all heard a door slam. "Jordynn!" I shout as I raced up the stairs. I tried to open her door but it wouldn't budge. "Jordynn! Jordynn open the door!" I banged on the door as Stiles tried to open it. " I'll go through the window." Derek informed and he ran down the stairs. "Jordynn please open up!" Stiles said banging on the door with me. I heard her scream and I wolfed out. "Jordynn!" I called over and over again and then the lights went out.

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